A very happy Hump Day!

Such a great day in a number of ways. Firstly it’s Wednesday, Hump Day and halfway to the weekend on the downhill slide. So that’s a huge plus! But to top it all off, I can officially say that C&M Security book 4 – Dangerous Circumstances – has been accepted by Evernight Publishing for a November release. The contract has been signed, the cover art form filled out, and sent in – so it’s as official as it gets. Yay!



In other news book 5 of the series is happily chattering away in my head, so I’m working on that. It’s going to be a bit more of a challenge for me since I’m telling most of the ending, right at the beginning. I just hope my characters know what the hell they are talking about because this could go horribly wrong real fast. Thank gawd I have my little sheet of important details readily at hand otherwise this could really be a mess, and a half.

The only thing the little buggers (aka: the characters) have yet to reveal, is how this one ends. They are keeping even me in suspense, though I get the sense they might not be too sure how this is all going to end. Hopefully we all figure it out by the time I get there, LOL!

And because I was a little distracted earlier, I figure I’ll share my distractions with you. Have a fantastic night! ~ Moira

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One comment on “A very happy Hump Day!

  1. Kale S says:

    Nice post thanks foor sharing

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