
Red benches in the fog in winterIt’s a cool, breezy, snowy Sunday here. To keep myself from being overly distracted from the task at hand, aka: writing, I had to mostly close the blinds. It’s so damn pretty that it’s hard to remember that it’ll be a mess out there if it keeps up all through to tomorrow. While not our first snowfall of the 2016 winter season, it’s likely to be the one that sticks for at least a few days given upcoming temperatures.

In other news the counts are in for the Evernight Publishing 4th Annual Readers’ Choice Awards, and to my surprise and delight, the readers voted VIPER, The Scoundrels 1 into the winning spot for the MC Romance category. What a way to wake up on a Saturday morning, and honestly I’m still trying to digest it. All I can say is, thank you, thank you, thank you! While I’ve been honored in the past with nominations, this is my first solo win. Kinda trippin’ out over it.

For now though I am in the middle of making lunch, and need to go ensure it’s not climbing from the pot. Then I need to get back to the writing since the flow seems to be coming. Have a wonderful Sunday, and we’ll catch up again soon. ~ Moira

So much to catch up on

It’s been a really long time since I did a post, my apologies, but life kinda got away from me. Which means there’s more than a few things to catch everyone up on. First up I’d like to say hey to all my readers, you guys rock, and I adore every single one of you. You always have my back, even when I’m not putting out new things, it quite frankly humbles me to know you guys are always there. Like with Evernight’s 4th Annual Readers’ Choice Awards. You spoke and got VIPER nominated for a spot & a chance at the MC Romance title this year. As well, you’ve nominated red rose on typewriterBAD ALPHA for a shot at the Anthologies title. For anyone that wants to vote I have the link to the right (click on the graphic) that you can use.

Now, what has Moira been up to since she last posted. Well, I’ve been writing off and on when real life permits. I have a few projects I’m puttering away on. Mostly I’ve been focused on getting book 3 of the Living Victorious series closer to completion. I’m closing in on the end of Jeremy’s, the bands lead singer, story. But I know I still have some time left on it since I have a lead in for the next book planned. It will NOT be a cliffhanger, but there will be a small hint to what’s to come. Which you’ll clearly see when book 4 in the series comes out. I’ve got the start of 4 already down on “paper” since I needed to know what it was I’m leading into. Be warned, it will be very subtle – but definitely there for those who are looking for it.

Originally I’d planned to have a Christmas story for this year, but time wasn’t on my side. On a good note though, I will have it ready for next year (2017) and I also have a New Years story planned to go with it, a companion story so to speak. I have been puttering on the next Scoundrels book, but LV3 has been my main focus, and once I’m over the hump with Jeremy (he’s been a pain in my ass I have to tell you) then I can turn my focus to getting more biker’s in your hands since they are clamoring to be heard.

Stay tuned stampLuckily I will have a block of time off from the evil day job (E.D.J.) coming up over Christmas, and once my familial obligations are out of the way I will be closeting myself with my laptop to get some serious writing completed. My current hope, fingers/toes crossed, is to have LV3 in Evernight’s hands early in 2017 to have it come out as soon as humanly possible, schedules permitting. By which point I should have book 2 for Scoundrels near ready to submit around the release time. And then LV4 will be close on it’s heels since the bones are already there just waiting for the meat to fill it all in.

Let’s see what else is there… Well, I think that actually might be it – for now. So I will let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming, and I will get on with my laundry before I have to return to the E.D.J. tomorrow. Have a great Sunday ~ Moira

Well, hello there…

Set of alcohol drinks in glasses isolated on whiteLong time no post! I know, I’m a bad author for being so out of touch. The short of it all is my workplace took on the workload of our sister company when the staff, for the most part, retired. Economically it made sense to put the work with us, and it keeps us all busy. Well, some of us more than others. Myself being one of the “some”. I really need to start investing in “beverages” for those long nights. *sigh*

In other news my muse has gone off the rails and started to pepper me with thoughts for this years Christmas story. I know, bad Moira for even mentioning that time of year. Believe me if I could keep my crazy muse on task even when I do have time to write I would, but she’s got her own method of doing things. So I have notes on my you-know-what story for when I have time to actually get to it.

In the meantime I am working on Victorious book #3. That is on my plate this weekend. I have to get Jeremy’s story written because he and his lady love are driving me absolutely around the bend with all their chattering. We’re about halfway after I had to remove a couple chunks that just weren’t working where I had them. The chunks are set aside for later, possible, use should they fit in where the story/characters are leading me. If not then I know I was right to cut them, and if so then I was right to cut them and plop them in where they will work. Can’t have a badly flowing story for my lead singer.

PurpleHeartBook #2 in The Scoundrels series is on hold since the characters are being drowned out by Jeremy and his girl. But I’m thinking that once I make those two happy (happier?) then I will possibly be able to hear what they might be attempting to pass along. For the time being, one task in hand. Sadly weekends are not nearly enough time to get everything written as fast as I’d like, but there is light at the end of the tunnel for those curious as to when LV3 will be out. Be patient, I can only write when I’m home and these days those are extremely limited hours. But I’m getting there! Promise 🙂

Gonna be a long day

Spring Time Change / Pink Blossoms and an Alarm Clock on an Old Wooden TableHappy Sunday everyone. The day is sunny, the sky is blue, the temperature warming up wonderfully and I have a loaf of bread baking in the oven. Yum, love that smell. Only reason I threw one in was because of the early hour I forced myself up at with having to spring the clocks ahead. I’m naturally a night owl, have been my entire life, so this whole losing an hour really mucks up my internal clock if I don’t get up super duper early on the Sunday it happens. Need to exhaust myself completely so I can sleep like the dead tonight faking out that internal clock into thinking everything is copacetic.

But the early hour rising means I can get several things done. So far I’ve checked off the list the regular household cleaning with only a quick vacuuming required a little later. Once the bread is out I’ll do up breakfast, do some website maintenance, put up a few posts on my blog for my fellow authors (hey all!) and then settle in to write by around the lunch hour. Working on LV3 and The Scoundrels 2 – going back and forth between them is helping my muse work through what she apparently sees as an issue on the one. No clue what her problem is, or maybe it’s the characters who are unsure. Either way, it’s working.

Hands Typing Text Writer Author Blog Typewrite Wooden Texture Desk Top Angle View

Last thing to share before I go start breakfast, or I guess technically it’s brunch now given the hour (damn this screws me up), if you haven’t yet checked it out you should. What am I talking about? Well the new blog that seven Evernight Publishing authors, myself included, have started up. The Naughty Quills will have advise for new authors, perhaps the occasional wisdom nugget to share and likely more than a few laughs too. We are also now accepting suggestions for topics. If nothing else you should check out the site. We’re quite eclectic in our writings, time zones, and places of residences.

And that’s all I have for you. Time to top off my coffee and get busy. Have yourself a fabulous day ~ Moira

Chilly, breezy Saturday

beautiful woman inspirer of the artist and composer

At least the sun is shining, so that’s a plus. It’s a great day to stay hunkered down and writing, which is what I’m attempting to do with my hyped up muse bouncing off the walls in my head. She’s all over the map which means focusing on the one story I desperate want to get done is a definite challenge and a half.

Since it’s been a while I figured I should do some updates on what’s been going on. The main reason for no postings in the last month has been work. We’ve got a lot of changes happening there along with several interruptions that had doubled up my work, and completely ruined my normal schedule. Long hours meant very little time to do anything else, including writing. Quite the irritation that was I have to say.

But in better news I’d submitted a book to start up a new series right at the beginning of the New Year and it was accepted. VIPER is book one of my new MC series, The Scoundrels. I have a page started for his story with the unedited blurb included for anyone interested in finding out more. Not much to say yet except that he, and his MC brothers will be coming to Evernight Publishing in March 2016. My first published book of 2016 point of fact.

I am working on the next book in the Living Victorious series, currently and tentatively titled The Voice. This is Jeremy’s story, who as readers of the series know is the lead singer for the band Victorious. His story has given me several fits, may be leading to ulcers and is generally a pain in my ass. It took me several fits and starts to even get the story moving along, but now I’ve found some sort of pace that seems to be working. No date yet set for all those who are wondering since I haven’t even got halfway quite yet. Once I have him and his leading lady, Melanie, submitted I will let everyone know and what the projected date of release might be. No promises but I’m hoping to have his story submitted sometime in February – barring any more issues with these two characters.

I think that is about it for the time being. I will have more things to announce in the coming days so stay tuned for that stuff. In the meantime I am off to get a coffee refill and slap around my characters and my muse in the hopes to get something productive done today. ~ Moira

The aftermath…

Fotolia_80726222_XSWell, thank goodness that’s over, ha! Actually I had a pretty great Christmas with the family, and obviously survived. Though it was by the skin of my teeth I’ll admit. Hopefully everyone was able to enjoy some time off, sleep in, and maybe relax a little. I was lucky and got plenty of downtime.

The day prior to leaving for the gathering of the familial sorts I was at work, with a sick salesman. He had a cold, and I thought I’d dodged a bullet with that but really I should have known better. Boxing Day the cold I’d managed to hold off until that moment kicked in full force. Stuffy head, runny nose, hacking, wheezing, the whole nine yards. Yup, fucker got me sick. On the plus side I managed to not give it to anyone in my family so that’s a blessing, and I am on the road to recovery. Thank you modern medicine – I don’t utilize you all that much, but when a killer cold kicks my ass I am ever so grateful you are there. That and the pharmacy guy who, once he finished snickering (yeah, I saw you) helped me narrow down what I needed to kick this thing to the curb.

Didn’t get any writing done as of yet. A head full of cotton is not exactly what I would call helpful to the creative process. The muse doesn’t like my coughing or something, who knows. Not that I could have concentrated much, I was more concerned with ensuring the box of Kleenex never ran out. But I still have six days off work that I can hopefully put to good use and get some things, if not 100% done, much closer to completion. I’d be a much happier camper if I had several things off the writing plate and into my publishers hands. So too would my readers I’m thinking, lol!

Today is for unpacking, laundry, and generally getting myself sorted out. If the head-fog clears out a little more I will get some writing in before the next dose of fabulous medication is needed to hold the sniffling, sneezing, hacking, and wheezing at bay. But if not I am not overly concerned. I have a few notes of things jotted down for where various works will be going to so when I do finally get to writing I have a game plan. The muse did surface long enough over the last few days to do that much. Therefore we have a plan of action and attack for the writing.

I think that’s it currently. No big plans for New Years, not that it’s ever really been my thing, so likely it will be writing and watching the various parties across the country as they go down. Well, that’s it for the moment. Hope everyone has a great New Years whatever your plans are. ~ Moira

Time to prepare

preparing for christmas with gift box and ribbons‘Tis the season for chaos, which means it’s time to figure out what I’m doing before I start running around like a chicken without a head. Not a pretty sight. I have my shopping lists – short this year since I bought lots online, but there are still a few things I have to purchase in store. I have done some shopping to date … unfortunately there is more yet to do. *sigh*

On top of that I have to keep my muse, fickle bitch, in line. She’s got me jumping between three stories, one being the next chapter in the Living Victorious series, and two others that are totally different. But I’m staying mum on them for the time being, at least until she gets through her “mood”. If I talk about them too much she’ll lose interest and then start this crap all over again a few months down the road.

In other news, because I’ve had enough talk about that muse of mine, I’ve got my tickets booked to go see the family persons over Christmas. And I have my holiday schedule which means several days of uninterrupted writing before having to head back to the day gig. I’m rather happy about that, my hope is to pump out at least two of these stories and get them submitted by or just after the New Year. Fingers crossed!

Other than that life is good, our weather isn’t too bad considering it’s the middle of December and we’ve only had a couple minor blizzards that really didn’t do much. Which I’m okay with, means no snow to slog through to and from work. And on that note I’d better get to some of that writing I mentioned earlier. Lots to do ~ Moira

Relaxing the day away

Vector winter scene with forest background isolated on white.
Today will be a nice lazy day for the most part. I do have to run out for a few things but otherwise I plan to laze around and do some much needed writing. Gotta get my next Living Victorious book closer to the finished point, and I have a couple other WIP’s that will fill my time when I run into a mental block on LV3. Plenty to do on the writing front that’s for sure.

I have a new release coming out on Tuesday, my Christmas story to be exact – Greatest Gift. The cover is fabulous (though I’m still waiting on the unwatermarked version), and the first round of edits was a breeze. My editor seemed very pleased with the story in general, and other than commenting on my comma issue (damn you comma’s!!) there were only a couple little fixes to be done. Haven’t seen a second round yet, but I know things are super busy at EP these days given the sheer number of books coming out this month.

The first batch of Christmas cards went into the mail early -yay me!- and are making their way to the readers and friends who requested one. I can still get some more out in time for Christmas if anyone is interested in a card from little old me. All you need to do to sign up is click the blue Christmas ornament button to the right to be taken to the Google form. There are even gifts to be given if anyone is interested.

Let’s see, what else might there be to share today… Huh, I got nothing. Well, guess that means time to refill my mug and get back down to work. Hope everyone has a lovely day ~ Moira.

Getting back to normal

TheBass-evernightpublishing-JayAheer2015-finalimageThe vacation is nearly over which means it’s sadly time to get things back to normal. To that end some updates on a number of projects. First on the docket is the release of The Bass, Living Victorious 2. It will be coming out this Thursday, November 12th. And check out this amazing cover by the way-too-talented-to-be-real Jay Aheer. It is jaw droppingly gorgeous naturally because she doesn’t seem to do anything else. And, as always, links will be coming for this as soon as I have them on the day (or earlier if I’m lucky).

Got some work done on book 3 of the series while I was on holidays. I actually had to delete a chunk because it just was not working for me. But now it’s back on track and our lead singer is making some progress. More to come on what struggles he, and his leading lady, will face in their story to get to their HEA soon.

November 29th I have a spot on The Romance Reviews Year End Splash. There are contests, prizes on a weekly basis, and loads of games for everyone to get in on as well as the Grand Prize of a Kindle Fire HD7. You do have to be a member of the site to participate, but it is 100% free to join. So if you’re interested at all, get started today over at TRR.

Last thing of note for the moment is that I have a Christmas story in with Evernight Publishing. Greatest Gift was accepted, the contract has been signed, and it is slated for a December release. Apparently a number of us Evernight authors all had the same thought to write Christmas stories roughly at the same time so there will be a LOT of Christmas goodies coming out this year. No release date yet of course, but details will come as I get them.

And I think that is it. I am off to keep working on LV 3 after refilling my new coffee mug, my own keepsake from the Big Easy. Hope everyone has a fabulous day ~ Moira

Autumn has arrived

Homemade Dark Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows and Cinnamon

The day has been a roller coaster of weather. Woke to chilly damp autumn, then we managed about an hour of sunny with a few fluffy clouds, and we are currently back into fully overcast with more rain threatening. Fall has arrived in full force here, and gloomy damp chilly days are in the future. I think it may be time to stock up on the hot chocolate (mainly for the excuse to throw some rum in).

But it does provide a rather nice backdrop for writing. In between plotting where my Living Victorious (LV) book 3 will be going I’m working on a Christmas story. It’s been coming in bursts so whenever the mood strikes to get more down I have been. It’s definitely not your “normal” Christmas story by any means. But I’ve never done that whole “normal” thing well. I prefer to color outside the lines, dance with the Devil, and generally thumb my nose at “convention”. It’s a little moody, has it’s moments where emotions run high, and has a bit of off the wall humor too. It won’t be a long book by any means, but I think it will be a fun one for my readers.

In between the plotting, and reading I’ve been cleaning. Mainly when the muse stopped talking or wandered off to look at shiny objects. I have found that the cleaning seems to get her back on track. Thankfully rather quickly today because I didn’t actually want to do any cleaning, lol! I did all the major weekly stuff yesterday, today was mostly things like cleaning the fridge drawers, and shelves. Boring crap that wrenched the creativity back on track. And when that last failed to work I’ve been watching some S.O.A. that I downloaded a while back but never got around to watching.

Now I need to go scrounging for the makings of dinner, do some more writing, and get in some more plotting for LV3. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and has a lovely week. Tomorrow is Monday – make the best of it and do nothing that can be proven. Have a great one! ~ Moira
