So much to catch up on

It’s been a really long time since I did a post, my apologies, but life kinda got away from me. Which means there’s more than a few things to catch everyone up on. First up I’d like to say hey to all my readers, you guys rock, and I adore every single one of you. You always have my back, even when I’m not putting out new things, it quite frankly humbles me to know you guys are always there. Like with Evernight’s 4th Annual Readers’ Choice Awards. You spoke and got VIPER nominated for a spot & a chance at the MC Romance title this year. As well, you’ve nominated red rose on typewriterBAD ALPHA for a shot at the Anthologies title. For anyone that wants to vote I have the link to the right (click on the graphic) that you can use.

Now, what has Moira been up to since she last posted. Well, I’ve been writing off and on when real life permits. I have a few projects I’m puttering away on. Mostly I’ve been focused on getting book 3 of the Living Victorious series closer to completion. I’m closing in on the end of Jeremy’s, the bands lead singer, story. But I know I still have some time left on it since I have a lead in for the next book planned. It will NOT be a cliffhanger, but there will be a small hint to what’s to come. Which you’ll clearly see when book 4 in the series comes out. I’ve got the start of 4 already down on “paper” since I needed to know what it was I’m leading into. Be warned, it will be very subtle – but definitely there for those who are looking for it.

Originally I’d planned to have a Christmas story for this year, but time wasn’t on my side. On a good note though, I will have it ready for next year (2017) and I also have a New Years story planned to go with it, a companion story so to speak. I have been puttering on the next Scoundrels book, but LV3 has been my main focus, and once I’m over the hump with Jeremy (he’s been a pain in my ass I have to tell you) then I can turn my focus to getting more biker’s in your hands since they are clamoring to be heard.

Stay tuned stampLuckily I will have a block of time off from the evil day job (E.D.J.) coming up over Christmas, and once my familial obligations are out of the way I will be closeting myself with my laptop to get some serious writing completed. My current hope, fingers/toes crossed, is to have LV3 in Evernight’s hands early in 2017 to have it come out as soon as humanly possible, schedules permitting. By which point I should have book 2 for Scoundrels near ready to submit around the release time. And then LV4 will be close on it’s heels since the bones are already there just waiting for the meat to fill it all in.

Let’s see what else is there… Well, I think that actually might be it – for now. So I will let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming, and I will get on with my laundry before I have to return to the E.D.J. tomorrow. Have a great Sunday ~ Moira

Back on track

This past week at the day job has been, in one word, hellish. To keep it short we’ll just say we’ve been dealing with a lot over the last three months that culminated into the final push last week. So much to do in a very little amount of time. We did it, but we’re all feeling it in various aching muscles and pure exhaustion. Too many long hours with too many projects to try and fit into those hours. It left very little time for anything else.

OrangeDaisy_106231315_XSIncluding writing. Sadly I got absolutely none done the last week, the body and brain was too tired to do more than put one foot in front of the other. Got some done this weekend which was a relief. And with things starting to settle down this coming week I should have a chance to do even more. Since we hadn’t planned for things to be this disruptive at the day job not a one of us had figured we’d need to alter how we were doing things. Boy were we wrong. Here’s hoping we get it under control sooner than later.

In better news is the fact it’s actually spring around here. The sun is shining which led me to cleaning my windows. I’m now blinded – totally – from the light coming through. Should’ve left a few streaks I’m thinking, lol! Did a little spring cleaning yesterday as well, mainly because I had to finish finding the various items I’ll need for the most dreaded time of year – tax season. But I know have them all (I hope) in hand so I can do that once I receive the last piece in the mail that I require and get that off my list of things to do.

In the meantime – writing, writing and more writing. So I’m off to go dash through the shower and get back to it while the ideas are still churning. Have a great night ~ Moira


Chilly, breezy Saturday

beautiful woman inspirer of the artist and composer

At least the sun is shining, so that’s a plus. It’s a great day to stay hunkered down and writing, which is what I’m attempting to do with my hyped up muse bouncing off the walls in my head. She’s all over the map which means focusing on the one story I desperate want to get done is a definite challenge and a half.

Since it’s been a while I figured I should do some updates on what’s been going on. The main reason for no postings in the last month has been work. We’ve got a lot of changes happening there along with several interruptions that had doubled up my work, and completely ruined my normal schedule. Long hours meant very little time to do anything else, including writing. Quite the irritation that was I have to say.

But in better news I’d submitted a book to start up a new series right at the beginning of the New Year and it was accepted. VIPER is book one of my new MC series, The Scoundrels. I have a page started for his story with the unedited blurb included for anyone interested in finding out more. Not much to say yet except that he, and his MC brothers will be coming to Evernight Publishing in March 2016. My first published book of 2016 point of fact.

I am working on the next book in the Living Victorious series, currently and tentatively titled The Voice. This is Jeremy’s story, who as readers of the series know is the lead singer for the band Victorious. His story has given me several fits, may be leading to ulcers and is generally a pain in my ass. It took me several fits and starts to even get the story moving along, but now I’ve found some sort of pace that seems to be working. No date yet set for all those who are wondering since I haven’t even got halfway quite yet. Once I have him and his leading lady, Melanie, submitted I will let everyone know and what the projected date of release might be. No promises but I’m hoping to have his story submitted sometime in February – barring any more issues with these two characters.

I think that is about it for the time being. I will have more things to announce in the coming days so stay tuned for that stuff. In the meantime I am off to get a coffee refill and slap around my characters and my muse in the hopes to get something productive done today. ~ Moira

Coffee, coffee, more coffee

Isolated icon of coffee cup made from words

It is a chilly, dreary Sunday but a great day for writing. I’m busy working on book 3 of the Living Victorious series and attempting to mainline caffeine as quickly as I can manage. This is Jeremy’s book, and the little shit is driving me insane. Not in a good way most of the time either. He is a stubborn character I will admit, giving me enough to work with for a few paragraphs and then it’s much like pulling teeth to get anything more from him.

Thankfully his leading lady in the book is the chatty sort. She tends to be on the side of “over sharing”. Not so sure that’s a good thing, but it’s an interesting counterbalance to Jeremy. I have this feeling that once they begin to interact on a more continuous basis, outside their brief interactions at meetings currently, that the sparks will really start to fly. Should be fun.

Not much else to share at this moment. I do have a vague idea for a potential Christmas story, but it hasn’t really gelled into much yet. It has a Paranormal flair to it which I’m liking, now if only the muse wouldn’t be quite so stingy with the details maybe I can get it written. LOL! Well, that’s all for the moment. We’ll talk again soon I’m sure. For now I need to refill my mug, and get back to work messing around with Jeremy’s perfectly orderly life. ~ Moira

Another one completed

Living Victorious 2 has officially been submitted to Evernight Publishing for consideration to publish. I’m just happy to have it done. This story has given me more than a couple problems during it’s creation. First a scene that wouldn’t gel, and then the epilogue which I ended up rewriting four times to get it right. But it’s done, and in my publisher’s hands now to look at to see if they want it. What a relief!

I haven’t started book 3 yet, but I do have an idea fermenting in the brain on where it will go. It will feature the lead singer for Victorious, Jeremy Shane. His leading lady is still a mystery to me. I know what her job is, and how she’ll come into the bands life, but she hasn’t told me her name. It could make writing the next book difficult if she doesn’t pipe up soon.

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In other news the Bad Alpha, and the Bad Alpha: Manlove anthologies are releasing on Friday August 21st. I am in the Bad Alpha anthology with nine other marvelous authors. It is currently up for pre-order, with a special price if you one click it before the day of release. To celebrate the releases Evernight Publishing, and the authors are doing a pre-release party on Facebook on Thursday August 20th. All kinds of links are below.

Another wonderful surprise to share with everyone, we were only just told that both Bad Alpha, and Bad Alpha: Manlove will be featured in the August 24th edition of USA Today in the Happily Ever After section. I will post up the link to this once it goes live, and I have it.

Bad Alpha ~ Pre-Order Links
 Amazon (US) | Amazon (CA) | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (AU)

Bad Alpha: Manlove ~ Pre-Order Links
Amazon (US) | Amazon (CA) | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (AU)

Bad Alpha & Bad Alpha: Manlove Pre-Release Party on Facebook

Well I think that is it. I need to be to work on LV3, and figure out my leading ladies name. I hope you all have a lovely night ~ Moira

Keeping on task

My muse has decided to give me an extra task of late. Writing two different stories, with a bunch of bits and pieces for others laying on the sidelines apparently isn’t enough. Now she’s added in random thought processes to my writing time. For example, I was writing the build up to the first sexual encounter between two characters when she suddenly threw out this idea for later in the story. Of course I have to jot it down. Don’t know if it will be used, but it’s better to have it and not need it then to sit there attempting to remember what it is later.

Now this probably sounds like a great thing. To a degree it is. Unfortunately it has a terrible side effect. I end up distracted by the new thought, and can’t remember where the hell I was in the scene! This insanity has been going on for two nights now. I don’t know what the hell my muse is up to but I think I may need to give her one heck of a stern talking to.

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In other news these bouts of distraction have led me to go looking for new inspiration for my various scenes. I have a whole new, and very interesting collection of men for my folder. So many pretties to look at, not enough will power to look away. Oh what is an author to do? And with that I leave you for now. I really need to duct tape my muse to one spot, and get some writing done. Book 2 for Living Victorious is going well, but she’s not making it easy to write this first sex scene. Time to buckle down ~ Moira

Contemplating chaos

HappySaturdayMy muse apparently is in a vindictive mood today. Trying to keep the wench in line is a task unto itself. Don’t know what’s up with her but I’m interested to see what she has in mind for my characters today. I’m working on two different WIP’s to try and keep things level. So far so good, though the muse is muttering about something else. Not sure if it has anything to do with these two potential stories or if it’s something new she’s cooking up. I never really know with her.

But I shall continue onward with what materials she provides to me, and hope that I’m not suddenly confronted by some nearly impossible situation I have to get everyone out of. She’s done this to me before and it’s worked out. These are slightly different stories so to be backed into the proverbial corner on either could prove to be rather bothersome. Here’s hoping I don’t need to find some overly creative means for my characters to climb out the proverbial window to freedom.

The weather is perfect for writing. Overcast, comfortably cool with a hint of a breeze bringing in the smell of the impending rain we’re expecting. Of course the weather person hasn’t been exactly accurate of late so that scent of rain could be foretelling a storm coming in three days. Since I don’t plan on moving far this weekend it really doesn’t matter. I have writing to get done.

To that end I need to get back to it after I grab a bite to eat. So I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and don’t forget to stop by tomorrow for #SexySnippets Sunday. I’ve got your first taste of my new series, Living Victorious. ~ Moira

Release Day!

dangerous-reactions2The day is finally here! I know many have been waiting on this book, thank you for being so very patient with me, but this one I could not rush. Mostly so I got everything right, but also because it is the last C&M Security book for a while. I needed it to be as close to perfect as I could make it. Okay, okay. As close to perfect as my editor, the lovely Jessica Ruth could make it. She really helped to iron out kinks I hadn’t realized were there. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Jessica for all your hard work.

Now that Dangerous Reactions is out I can turn my mind to other books. Mainly my newest series. The muse has been riding me hard to get a bit down every night. So I am off to the writing cave to get her off my back for the evening as soon as I give you all the links I currently have available for book 6. And here they are:

Evernight  |  Bookstrand  |  Amazon (US)  |  Amazon (CA)  |  All Romance

Of course all the links can be found on the Dangerous Reactions page at any time. Including all the ones that will go live in the next week or so. Well, I’m off to grab a snack, and settle in to do as the muse hath biddeth me to do. Have a great Friday, and an even more amazing weekend. ~ Moira

New series coming soon!

I’m very happy, and super excited to announce that I will have a new series coming soon from Evernight Publishing. I received the acceptance over the weekend, and have been floating on cloud 9 since then. I had to wait to announce it until I signed the contract of course – so I could give my readers an idea of when it will be coming out. This will be coming out July 2015 – eeee!


The new series is called “Living Victorious”. It’s a Contemporary Erotic Romance series that follows the lives of the members of the band Victorious. And it’s not all sunshine, hot babes, and wild parties. Although there will be some of that in the books as well.

The first book in this series is The Rhythm. In this book readers will meet all the band members, but become intimately familiar with the drummer, Lance West. He’s a man that prefers to stay in the background so sitting behind a set of drums is the perfect spot in his mind. It allows him to play the music that pours out of his soul, while not being in the spotlight. He’ll be getting one hell of a shock in this book as his life is flipped upside down, and all around. But the biggest shock for Lance won’t come until nearly the end of the series.

This is only my second series so far for me. It will also be one that I need to keep very close track of what happens book to book. While I let my characters have free rein for the most part I do need to keep certain aspects in mind, and try to keep them all on track so everything comes to light as it should. This may prove to me challenging.

Well that’s all I have right now. I’m off to keep working on book 2 of the series, and my other WIP that my muse seems to want to write at the same time to keep me on my toes. Have a lovely evening ~ Moira

Sharing some inspiration

Saturday word in mixed vintage metal type

Happy Saturday to everyone. I have been busy writing up a storm and realized it was lunch suddenly. Mainly because my belly started to make those very rude sounds to gain my attention. Figured while I’m waiting for my lunch to heat up I’d share a little of my inspiration for what I’m writing today. And I threw a few others in just for kicks since I had them to share, so enjoy.

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I can’t say what I’m writing yet, mainly because I’m still in the middle of it, and don’t want to jinx it. Yes I’m a little superstitious about such things. At least until I know it’s done, and hopefully (fingers crossed) accepted by my publisher. Then I’ll be telling you all about it. In the meantime I will share this much: it has some damn hot men in it.

Thus the bit of inspiration I needed to keep on track for the portion I was writing this morning. I was turning the heat up on the characters involved with one another. For a time now they’ve been dancing around each other, one character completely avoiding the other as much as was possible. With a little help things are about to change. Should be great!

Anyway I’m off to eat, and then back to more writing. Have a lovely day ~ Moira