Since last we talked…

It’s been a while. But sometimes real life (RL) kicks you in the teeth, and doesn’t stop there. Kind of what happened to me. Not to get overly detailed since it is the boring RL stuff, but things definitely didn’t go as planned.

The real world (RW) company I work for – the one who helps to pay all my RW bills – hit a patch of insanity, work wise. Long hours started to become the norm, and then some extra responsibilities started to fall onto my shoulders (and other co-works as well) to pick up the slack as some folks left the company for other prospects. Then, over the winter of 2018, word started to make its way through the team that there was a possible corporate purchase in the future. Didn’t think much of it right off, rumor mills are good at stirring up shit after all, but it ended up being true.

Not that we found out about it semi-officially until early spring 2019. Then the rumor mill went into overdrive, and we all started to plan for the “what ifs” that come when you hear your company is about to be purchased. Especially when there’s not exactly a huge flow of information to the ones who keep the company running on the day-to-day. But, hey, owners and management seem to think it’s all them (delusional fucks that they are). The “little people” (ie: the ones pulling the 10-16 hour days keeping the money flowing, the product exiting, and the clients happy) aren’t that important, right?

*Insert an epic, viewing of the brain, eye-roll here*

Mid-spring we finally got confirmation that the sale was progressing, and that we were in fact being purchased. By a competitor in fact, one I’d frankly never heard of except for during the last six months the rumor mill was going wild. Before that … *crickets*

Things took a bit longer than I think the owners of both (ours and theirs) companies originally planned on, because my boss was a half-way decent human being who wanted to ensure that the staff he still had at that time, would continue to have jobs at their same pay rates. There were a few other stipulations that caused some delay, but they were relatively minor in the grand scheme. In the end, we were officially bought, things started to transition, and then THE MOVE talk began. The company would purchased us had a much larger facility, and since our building was on the chopping block to be demo’ed at some point in the sort-of-not-really near future, it all just made sense.

Fall 2019 utter chaos! Between moving a whole company, integrating two very different team dynamics, and learning a new system for all our day-to-day projects – it was rather hellish to be kind. And the ever looming “what if they decide I’m not needed here” thoughts likely didn’t help. Stress be a bitch, yo!


The learning curve was sharp, the work was familiar (huge help!), and generally the other team was lovely, warm, welcoming, and straight up helpful to those of us walking in “blind”. Not to say there weren’t some hiccups, speed bumps, and less than happy folks – but that was, thankfully, in the minority. Coming into the New Year, 2020, looked good, like I might actually be able to get things back on track once more, and start writing on the regular.

Shouldn’t have thought it. Should NOT have thought it!

We all know how 2020 has gone, not going to rehash it. But will say that I was one of the very few in my city who still kept going to work, which I’m grateful for – don’t get me wrong – but it was a whole new level of stress. With restrictions starting to ease slowly as the government in my area starts their phased re-openings to see what can, and can’t be done while still maintaining social distancing, there is some additional stress along with a hint of hope. It’s a wait and see type situation unfortunately. And since we haven’t peaked yet, who knows how well it will work. Cautious optimism with a dash of healthy pessimism is my current state of mind though.

And that there brings us all up to date. While things aren’t back to “normal”, whatever the fuck that means, the situation is settling down enough to take a breath, step back, and look to the future. Who knows what it may hold, but at least we’re working toward something.

So, I hope you all have a great day/week/rest of the month. And hopefully we can chat again soon. Until next time ~ Moira

Well, hello there…

Set of alcohol drinks in glasses isolated on whiteLong time no post! I know, I’m a bad author for being so out of touch. The short of it all is my workplace took on the workload of our sister company when the staff, for the most part, retired. Economically it made sense to put the work with us, and it keeps us all busy. Well, some of us more than others. Myself being one of the “some”. I really need to start investing in “beverages” for those long nights. *sigh*

In other news my muse has gone off the rails and started to pepper me with thoughts for this years Christmas story. I know, bad Moira for even mentioning that time of year. Believe me if I could keep my crazy muse on task even when I do have time to write I would, but she’s got her own method of doing things. So I have notes on my you-know-what story for when I have time to actually get to it.

In the meantime I am working on Victorious book #3. That is on my plate this weekend. I have to get Jeremy’s story written because he and his lady love are driving me absolutely around the bend with all their chattering. We’re about halfway after I had to remove a couple chunks that just weren’t working where I had them. The chunks are set aside for later, possible, use should they fit in where the story/characters are leading me. If not then I know I was right to cut them, and if so then I was right to cut them and plop them in where they will work. Can’t have a badly flowing story for my lead singer.

PurpleHeartBook #2 in The Scoundrels series is on hold since the characters are being drowned out by Jeremy and his girl. But I’m thinking that once I make those two happy (happier?) then I will possibly be able to hear what they might be attempting to pass along. For the time being, one task in hand. Sadly weekends are not nearly enough time to get everything written as fast as I’d like, but there is light at the end of the tunnel for those curious as to when LV3 will be out. Be patient, I can only write when I’m home and these days those are extremely limited hours. But I’m getting there! Promise 🙂

Get in on the fun

It’s a chilly, dreary Saturday here at home. Great day for staying indoors, and keeping warm. The perfect day to get some writing done as well. Which I am off to do shortly, right after I get a coffee refill, and some lunch. But I thought I’d give some updates before I go get myself busy.

5thBDayBlogHopGoing on now until October 9th is Evernight Publishing’s 5th Birthday Blog Hop. For more information you can check out the post here on Evernight’s blog, including all those participating in the Hop, and the prizes Evernight is giving away to celebrate their 5th Birthday. Don’t forget to leave comments on each site visited for a chance to win the prizes each Author, or Blogger is giving away, as well as to get extra entries into Evernight’s grand draw.

AReSale-croppedTo top it off All Romance is helping us to celebrate by offering 25% off every Evernight Publishing book on their site. You can check out the list which includes all of my books, and many other fabulous Author’s, by going to All Romance and doing a publisher search for Evernight Publishing, or just click here to be taken right to that listing.

And since you’re visiting my site anyway don’t forget to leave a comment on my post for the celebration. All I want to know is your best, or craziest birthday gift received. Pretty easy right? But don’t forget to leave your email address, this is both for me to contact you should you be the winner, and for Evernight if you are chosen for one of their many prizes.

Last bit of information to share is the Facebook Party Evernight and the Author’s are holding on October 8th. Everyone is welcome to join if you happen to have a Facebook account, and are free to. It is running from 3pm until 11pm EDT, with many of us hosting during each hour. There will be more prizes, flash giveaways, and plenty of opportunity to talk to us all. You can join us by clicking here and get in on the fun.

EP's Facebook Party Banner

All right I think that’s it. For now I’m off to get that refill, and get down to work. I still have a Christmas story to attempt to finish in time for the coming season. Given our weather predictions for the day it seems fitting to work on it. Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to get in on the fun and prizes. ~ Moira

Lazy writing day

GerberDaisy_70282557_XSHappy Sunday all. It’s been a pretty relaxing weekend around my place. Got in a bunch of writing on a couple of projects so that is always a major plus. The biggest one was getting back into Living Victorious 2, tentatively titled The Bass. This one has been giving me a little grief over the last couple of weeks, but I think it’s back on track. I got myself hung up a little on one scene so I did something I’ve never done before – I jumped to the next chapter to keep writing like that scene was done.

I’m still working on the scene that caused so much grief, but it’s not my sole focus. It’s the sort of scene that can be added in later on since while it’s a necessary scene to the progression of the book, it’s not a scene that makes or breaks the story line. So onward I continue in writing the stuff that pushes the story forward, and creates complications for my characters. Oh yes, there will be many problems for the two leads of this book. The biggest, and deadliest, distance. Since the lead male is in a band they have to tour. The lead female has a job that doesn’t allow for much flexibility to go with him. This will test their resolve to be with one another, but if they make it (which is sort of a given knowing me) then it will make their relationship all the more solid.

Not much work on the paranormal story I have on my WIP list, but I am puttering on it off and on. It helps to pull out of one story to poke at another to get the brain churning. It’s why I pulled another WIP out of the “draft” stage to something a little more solid. While I may not get it done any time soon, it’s another welcome diversion to get my mind working a different angle so that when I head back into LV2 I’m not sluggish on the plot. Not that this method works for most people. Usually it doesn’t work for me either but on this one book it’s been very helpful. Let’s my mind take a breather, and allows the muse to regroup for when I dive back in.

Well that’s about all the news I have to share currently. I need to dash out for some more necessary supplies to the writing process (pop and snacking foods) before I buckle down again at the keyboard so I’ll end this post quick like. Have a fantastic afternoon and evening ~ Moira

Keeping on task

My muse has decided to give me an extra task of late. Writing two different stories, with a bunch of bits and pieces for others laying on the sidelines apparently isn’t enough. Now she’s added in random thought processes to my writing time. For example, I was writing the build up to the first sexual encounter between two characters when she suddenly threw out this idea for later in the story. Of course I have to jot it down. Don’t know if it will be used, but it’s better to have it and not need it then to sit there attempting to remember what it is later.

Now this probably sounds like a great thing. To a degree it is. Unfortunately it has a terrible side effect. I end up distracted by the new thought, and can’t remember where the hell I was in the scene! This insanity has been going on for two nights now. I don’t know what the hell my muse is up to but I think I may need to give her one heck of a stern talking to.

Mann Sport Liegestütze

In other news these bouts of distraction have led me to go looking for new inspiration for my various scenes. I have a whole new, and very interesting collection of men for my folder. So many pretties to look at, not enough will power to look away. Oh what is an author to do? And with that I leave you for now. I really need to duct tape my muse to one spot, and get some writing done. Book 2 for Living Victorious is going well, but she’s not making it easy to write this first sex scene. Time to buckle down ~ Moira

Hello long weekend!

little rabbit and easter eggs isolatedHappy Easter to everyone. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I will be off visiting my familial relations, eating too much, and not getting enough sleep because they seem to think that four hours is more than enough. For the record, it’s not. I need at least six to be semi-coherent, eight if you actually want to hold a conversation, and coffee is a must. Otherwise run, just run.

Though I will be elsewhere this weekend I shall have a #SexySnippet ready to go live for Sunday. This one will definitely have a little heat to it. So be prepared. I figured it was only right to give you a bit of a warning. As with the last few Sunday’s it will be from C&M Security 6.

In other projects… I’m making good progress on my first stint into the Paranormal realm. The story, for the most part, is clicking nicely and coming quick. Every now and again I end up hitting a spot where my brain runs out of stuff to send through to my fingers and I sit back sorta “whoa!” as I collect myself. This leads to the need to read what I just wrote, and then hope it kick starts the creative process again. Last night I had myself a bit of a giggle since I trailed off at a critical moment in a sex scene. I had the mental image of my hero poised, ready to go, and toppling over because I couldn’t figure out what was happening next.

I know, I’m a bit odd. I think it comes with the whole “author” territory. After all we have voices in our heads that we listen to for the purpose of creating elaborate fictional worlds. Though I admit when they start arguing it’s a little weird to have to step in. LOL!

Well I think that’s about it for the moment. I have to finish packing, make sure I don’t forget my charger for either of my links to the online world (phone & computer) and I should be good to go. So, once more, Happy Easter, and enjoy the weekend! ~ Moira

Hello weekend!

Yes, Weekend - inspirational quote.I am so very happy it’s the weekend. It was a very long week at the day job full of people who truly tested my limits to the max, and it wasn’t even the other employees this time. No this week it was the clients. Yet again I question why I’m a customer service rep. I am not a people person. I might be if I didn’t have to deal with the nine levels of customer service hell on a regular basis. And that’s just Monday morning before I’ve had coffee!

All I can think is, one less week until retirement, and way too many to count still to plow through. That and prison orange is so not my color! Which is pretty much the only reason I haven’t let loose the dogs o’ war on these people and told them what I truly think. May whoever you believe in have mercy on your souls (should you believe in them) if I ever win a lottery though.

But enough of that! The plan for today is to write, write, and write some more. I have a book to finish, and finish it I will. I’m hoping this weekend so I can take a day to give it a read through, but I’m making no promises. As soon as I think I have a plan in place someone wrenches the rug out from under me, and fucks up my grand plan six ways of Sunday.

So the only plan is to write. Then I’ll plan to write some more, and possibly even more. After all I have plenty of coffee, I even have some snacks on standby, and plenty of fresh air to keep me going. Though I may need to reconsider having a window open at all tomorrow. Doesn’t sound like Mother Natures quite done with smacking us around with winter yet. That’s okay. If the weather goes as it sounds like it might it’s all the more reason to stay safely tucked indoors, and -you guessed it- write!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend wherever you might be. Stop by tomorrow for something new I’m trying out along with some authors of much greater note than I. ~ Moira

PS – Did you know I’m on Authorgraph now? If you’d like me to sign an e-book of mine you’ve purchased I will. The link is on the side bar under my welcome message, and above my WIP progress bars. Click the link, pick the book, and when I get the notification I’ll go and sign it for you with a personalized message.

Thank goodness it’s Saturday

wake upHappy weekend to everyone! Hope you are all enjoying it as much as I am. The last week was brutal attempting to get back into the swing of things after a much needed break over Christmas. Still not fully back into it all yet but I’m getting there slowly. The worst of it all was that first Monday morning alarm that went off. I am such a natural night owl that having to pry myself from the warm depths of my bed is a chore and a half. But I managed it, and then had to repeat it four more times until today. I admit, I did sleep in a little more than I normally would but it’s the weekend – WHO CARES?! LOL!

MFAntho-001-07012015-evernightpublishing-JayAheer2015-3DrenderBut there was one particularly amazing shining spot in my week I must share. Got home on Thursday to find a great little surprise in my inbox. The covers, and some other visual goodies for the Uniform Anthology that I’m honored to be a part of. They are so damn pretty, so a huge thank you to the artist Jay Aheer for these. They are truly stunning. It took me a while to finally pry my eyeballs off the bloody things, and then only because I realized I was drooling and had the nearly uncontrollable urge to lick my screen.

It’s pretty amazing to see it all begin to come together. It won’t be out for a while yet, projected release is in February but a date hasn’t yet been finalized. Depends on our poor editor for the books, and how quickly we all get through whatever changes are required of us I think. But as soon as I know more I’ll definitely be sharing the news.

On other fronts the final edits for C&M Security 5, Dangerous Pasts, along with the teaser/dedication have been submitted back to my publisher for the last look through on their end. Should hopefully be seeing a cover draft in the next few days. Can’t wait to share that with everyone. In the meantime though I need to get to work on book 6 of the series. I have a lot of ground still to cover before the big finale of that one that will tie up the last little threads left dangling in a couple of the other books.

After that who knows what I’ll be working on. I know what I should be working on, the two WIP’s I have in my docs, or even the new “something” that’s tickling my brain. But for now it’s all about focusing on the one to get it done and submitted. Easier said then done with a case of attention jumping going on right now. My brain is all over the map, twitchy, and may or may not have something to do with all the coffee I’ve pumped into my system. Oh well, eventually I’ll come down from whatever’s got me and my thoughts all over the map. In the meantime maybe I’ll just randomly open up a WIP and see what pops out. Until later ~ Moira

Here we go…

Well it’s been a very chilly start to 2015 so far. We had a huge blizzard blow in yesterday, dumping a lot of snow onto the city, and brought some very unnecessarily cold weather with it. I know it’s winter and all, but it really wasn’t nice of Mother Nature to do that.

SnowyDayThankfully I haven’t had any reason to go outside beyond sticking my nose out my balcony doors to see just how chilly it was. It was damn chilly I’ll tell you right now. So I pulled the blinds, turned on the TV to the Holiday Fireplace for some ambiance, grabbed more coffee, and got down to some writing. Or attempted to. Apparently all my characters went off on an unauthorized bender over the holidays, and still haven’t fully recovered.

I did manage to get in some stuff on my C&M Security book, but definitely nothing of significance. Which is okay I guess, the brain isn’t back into full gear as it is anyway so getting back at this slowly isn’t a horrific plan. Especially since I’m still figuring out my new laptop, and the fact it has a few interesting quirks I’m having to work around. Like a possessed mouse pad. Which raises another question, who was the bloody brainiac that though increasing the size of the damn mouse pad on a laptop was a good idea? Like I don’t have enough problems with the things, no-no, lets make the space even bigger and ten times more sensitive than all previous models. Great plan there.

In other news my place has never been so spotless. I’ve had more than a bit of time to clean, obviously since the characters went off on hiatus. Not even complaining a little. Before the holidays I was too busy running around like a crazed lunatic to give it more than a quick once over, so it was nice to do the down and gritty cleaning. Though my knees may hate me for a few more days from scrubbing my floor by hand lol!

EPHolidayHangoverHopAnd before I completely forget to mention this. There is still a few hours left to my publishers Holiday Hangover Blog Hop. I’m hosting on my blog, A Great New Read, and there are also many other great spots to get in on the action as well. You can start right [HERE] on my publisher’s site.

Well that’s it for this rambling blog post. Hope everyone’s having a great start to the New Year. Have a great night, a great weekend, and I’ll post again soon… ~ Moira