And the ball drops… #happynewyear

fotolia_95610115_xsWell, here we are yet again folks, another New Year has come. While I can’t say 2016 was a “great” or even a “good” year, it did have some highlights. Unfortunately there were more low notes that marred it all. But this post isn’t about the past, what was, or any of that. No, this post is looking toward the fresh, blank slate set before us all. As of the second this post goes live there are no expectations for what might come. We can all dive in with the best intentions and figure things out as we go.

One thing I will say is that I really hope only good things come to you, and yours in the New Year. Not that they will always drop into your lap, no…sometimes you’ll have to work for them. Don’t be afraid to work for what you want, what you desire, and what you hope for. Life’s good things don’t come on a silver platter, they take effort and strength to gain. So, chin up, shoulders back, big girl/boy undies on, and take no shit. Be the guide on the trail to your own happiness in this New Year, no matter what that might mean. Cut out the crap, ignore the bullshit, and do whatever makes your heart pound a little faster in glee.

Be safe out there, take no risks tonight – ensure you have a designated driver, a taxi, or alternate way to get home tonight. Thinking you’re okay to get behind the wheel is no way to start fresh, no one needs to get “that” call this weekend. I’ll see you all on the flip side ~ Moira


So much to catch up on

It’s been a really long time since I did a post, my apologies, but life kinda got away from me. Which means there’s more than a few things to catch everyone up on. First up I’d like to say hey to all my readers, you guys rock, and I adore every single one of you. You always have my back, even when I’m not putting out new things, it quite frankly humbles me to know you guys are always there. Like with Evernight’s 4th Annual Readers’ Choice Awards. You spoke and got VIPER nominated for a spot & a chance at the MC Romance title this year. As well, you’ve nominated red rose on typewriterBAD ALPHA for a shot at the Anthologies title. For anyone that wants to vote I have the link to the right (click on the graphic) that you can use.

Now, what has Moira been up to since she last posted. Well, I’ve been writing off and on when real life permits. I have a few projects I’m puttering away on. Mostly I’ve been focused on getting book 3 of the Living Victorious series closer to completion. I’m closing in on the end of Jeremy’s, the bands lead singer, story. But I know I still have some time left on it since I have a lead in for the next book planned. It will NOT be a cliffhanger, but there will be a small hint to what’s to come. Which you’ll clearly see when book 4 in the series comes out. I’ve got the start of 4 already down on “paper” since I needed to know what it was I’m leading into. Be warned, it will be very subtle – but definitely there for those who are looking for it.

Originally I’d planned to have a Christmas story for this year, but time wasn’t on my side. On a good note though, I will have it ready for next year (2017) and I also have a New Years story planned to go with it, a companion story so to speak. I have been puttering on the next Scoundrels book, but LV3 has been my main focus, and once I’m over the hump with Jeremy (he’s been a pain in my ass I have to tell you) then I can turn my focus to getting more biker’s in your hands since they are clamoring to be heard.

Stay tuned stampLuckily I will have a block of time off from the evil day job (E.D.J.) coming up over Christmas, and once my familial obligations are out of the way I will be closeting myself with my laptop to get some serious writing completed. My current hope, fingers/toes crossed, is to have LV3 in Evernight’s hands early in 2017 to have it come out as soon as humanly possible, schedules permitting. By which point I should have book 2 for Scoundrels near ready to submit around the release time. And then LV4 will be close on it’s heels since the bones are already there just waiting for the meat to fill it all in.

Let’s see what else is there… Well, I think that actually might be it – for now. So I will let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming, and I will get on with my laundry before I have to return to the E.D.J. tomorrow. Have a great Sunday ~ Moira

Happy Mother’s Day

Heart-shaped Ribbon - Mother's Day

Wishing every mother out there, man or woman who has taken on this responsibility, a very happy Mother’s Day. It’s a huge deal being a parent. You’re responsible for a life, a person, keeping them safe and teaching them. Guiding them and yet still allowing them to become who they were meant to be. It’s scary, it’s time consuming, it’s exhausting and it’s amazing.

I don’t speak from personal experience as I’m not a parent, and don’t plan to be – life choice. But I’ve watched some damn amazing folks struggle and persevere through ups, downs and being side swiped. They have my gratitude, and appreciation. They are champions in my book. These people are raising the next generation the only way they know how, no instruction manual and by the seat of their pants. It can’t be easy, and yet I’ve heard it’s the most rewarding “job” around. To see your child flourish, to grow, and to come into their own.

So to all the mother’s out there, whoever you are, wherever you may be now, whatever your sex is – we salute you. You definitely don’t get enough recognition day to day, especially in the world we now live in, which makes it harder every single day to do your job, but you’re making it work. You are appreciated, you are amazing, and you are loved. Now … go have a nap, you deserve it.

Happy Easter!

Tulips on the white background.Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, and enjoying their Easter however that may be. The weather’s supposed to be pretty good again today, chilly but mostly sunny from what the weather app on my phone tells me. If not for the family types I’d be out on my balcony enjoying it. Gotta enjoy the sun while you can get it.

Good news for any who are wondering, Living Victorious is progressing along nicely once more. I won’t have much time to work on it this weekend given everything else going on, but I’m getting there. The flow is back after a couple hiccups from the characters. For a short time they were torn about which way they wanted to go. Thankfully they must have “sat down” and figured it out because they gave me a huge gob last weekend and are still chatting as of when I wrote this post. Unfortunately they’re going a little faster currently than I think I can do the old fashioned way during my downtime sans computer – ie: hand writing in a notebook.

Anyway, I should let you all get to enjoying your Sunday. Don’t forget, if you haven’t already, go check out my joint blog with six other fantastic authors at Naughty Quills. We always have a lot to say, and it’s usually pretty helpful too. Mixed in with humor, real experience and plenty of fun.

Have a great day ~ Moira

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Happy New Year 2016

Another year has come and gone, and we face a clean slate. A brand new beginning with nothing yet set in stone or decided. I hope everyone makes it a fabulous year, but whatever you do make it your own. Decide what you want and go for it, no one can make decisions for your path but you.

I don’t make New Years resolutions, never have, never will. While I may have a vague idea what I want to achieve in the year to come it’s never set in stone, that’s not who I am. I much prefer to take things as they come, adapt, and make decisions as I need to. Yes, I am a very “by the seats of my pants” sort of girl.

My only plans for 2016 are to keep on writing and to hopefully grow even more than I have in the last (almost) two years of my writing career. I will even keep working on my comma addiction (every editor I’ve ever had will likely approve of that one!) and keep expanding my general repertoire. I can’t say what I’ll yet be bringing to the New Year except for the Living Victorious series. Book three is slowly coming together, this one’s a bit harder to write than the others due to a number of factors (damn characters!!) but the muse and I are getting there. I also plan to write more stories of a holiday specific nature, to go with my Christmas story of 2015, but that’s just a general idea with nothing yet written in stone.

So I will end this post with wishing all my friends, family, readers, and fellow authors (no matter who you write for) all the very best in 2016. Prosperity, and peace to you all. ~ Moira

The aftermath…

Fotolia_80726222_XSWell, thank goodness that’s over, ha! Actually I had a pretty great Christmas with the family, and obviously survived. Though it was by the skin of my teeth I’ll admit. Hopefully everyone was able to enjoy some time off, sleep in, and maybe relax a little. I was lucky and got plenty of downtime.

The day prior to leaving for the gathering of the familial sorts I was at work, with a sick salesman. He had a cold, and I thought I’d dodged a bullet with that but really I should have known better. Boxing Day the cold I’d managed to hold off until that moment kicked in full force. Stuffy head, runny nose, hacking, wheezing, the whole nine yards. Yup, fucker got me sick. On the plus side I managed to not give it to anyone in my family so that’s a blessing, and I am on the road to recovery. Thank you modern medicine – I don’t utilize you all that much, but when a killer cold kicks my ass I am ever so grateful you are there. That and the pharmacy guy who, once he finished snickering (yeah, I saw you) helped me narrow down what I needed to kick this thing to the curb.

Didn’t get any writing done as of yet. A head full of cotton is not exactly what I would call helpful to the creative process. The muse doesn’t like my coughing or something, who knows. Not that I could have concentrated much, I was more concerned with ensuring the box of Kleenex never ran out. But I still have six days off work that I can hopefully put to good use and get some things, if not 100% done, much closer to completion. I’d be a much happier camper if I had several things off the writing plate and into my publishers hands. So too would my readers I’m thinking, lol!

Today is for unpacking, laundry, and generally getting myself sorted out. If the head-fog clears out a little more I will get some writing in before the next dose of fabulous medication is needed to hold the sniffling, sneezing, hacking, and wheezing at bay. But if not I am not overly concerned. I have a few notes of things jotted down for where various works will be going to so when I do finally get to writing I have a game plan. The muse did surface long enough over the last few days to do that much. Therefore we have a plan of action and attack for the writing.

I think that’s it currently. No big plans for New Years, not that it’s ever really been my thing, so likely it will be writing and watching the various parties across the country as they go down. Well, that’s it for the moment. Hope everyone has a great New Years whatever your plans are. ~ Moira

Time to prepare

preparing for christmas with gift box and ribbons‘Tis the season for chaos, which means it’s time to figure out what I’m doing before I start running around like a chicken without a head. Not a pretty sight. I have my shopping lists – short this year since I bought lots online, but there are still a few things I have to purchase in store. I have done some shopping to date … unfortunately there is more yet to do. *sigh*

On top of that I have to keep my muse, fickle bitch, in line. She’s got me jumping between three stories, one being the next chapter in the Living Victorious series, and two others that are totally different. But I’m staying mum on them for the time being, at least until she gets through her “mood”. If I talk about them too much she’ll lose interest and then start this crap all over again a few months down the road.

In other news, because I’ve had enough talk about that muse of mine, I’ve got my tickets booked to go see the family persons over Christmas. And I have my holiday schedule which means several days of uninterrupted writing before having to head back to the day gig. I’m rather happy about that, my hope is to pump out at least two of these stories and get them submitted by or just after the New Year. Fingers crossed!

Other than that life is good, our weather isn’t too bad considering it’s the middle of December and we’ve only had a couple minor blizzards that really didn’t do much. Which I’m okay with, means no snow to slog through to and from work. And on that note I’d better get to some of that writing I mentioned earlier. Lots to do ~ Moira

Planning ahead

I know no one wants to be thinking about any of this just yet. Believe me, I’m right there with you. But since I want to do this for my readers I need to be ahead of the game on it. Which means I need to start now to ensure there is time to get everything ready, and out. I am talking about Christmas Cards. Yup, that’s right. If you are interested in getting a card from me this year you can sign up via the Google form I’ve set up to take the requests. To access the form all you need to do is click the image below, or the one on my side bar.


Link no longer active

I am also throwing in some extra little gifts for a select number of readers who sign up for a card. Anything from a free ebook* from my backlist, an Amazon Gift Card, to a seasonally appropriate piece of jewelry might be included in with your card. Those who sign up earliest have the greatest likelihood of receiving a gift. Don’t slack off if you want a goody – and do not forget to click the button at the bottom of the form to toss your name into the hat for a gift. Forget that and you won’t be in the running as I only have a set number of gifts to give away.

* If you were chosen to receive a free ebook there will be a little card with a six (6) digit number and my email included in the card. Email me that six (6) digit number, the title of your choice which you can check out on my Bookshelf (Anthologies are NOT included), and the format of your eReader (ie: Kindle, Nook, etc).

Getting back to normal

TheBass-evernightpublishing-JayAheer2015-finalimageThe vacation is nearly over which means it’s sadly time to get things back to normal. To that end some updates on a number of projects. First on the docket is the release of The Bass, Living Victorious 2. It will be coming out this Thursday, November 12th. And check out this amazing cover by the way-too-talented-to-be-real Jay Aheer. It is jaw droppingly gorgeous naturally because she doesn’t seem to do anything else. And, as always, links will be coming for this as soon as I have them on the day (or earlier if I’m lucky).

Got some work done on book 3 of the series while I was on holidays. I actually had to delete a chunk because it just was not working for me. But now it’s back on track and our lead singer is making some progress. More to come on what struggles he, and his leading lady, will face in their story to get to their HEA soon.

November 29th I have a spot on The Romance Reviews Year End Splash. There are contests, prizes on a weekly basis, and loads of games for everyone to get in on as well as the Grand Prize of a Kindle Fire HD7. You do have to be a member of the site to participate, but it is 100% free to join. So if you’re interested at all, get started today over at TRR.

Last thing of note for the moment is that I have a Christmas story in with Evernight Publishing. Greatest Gift was accepted, the contract has been signed, and it is slated for a December release. Apparently a number of us Evernight authors all had the same thought to write Christmas stories roughly at the same time so there will be a LOT of Christmas goodies coming out this year. No release date yet of course, but details will come as I get them.

And I think that is it. I am off to keep working on LV 3 after refilling my new coffee mug, my own keepsake from the Big Easy. Hope everyone has a fabulous day ~ Moira