Since last we talked…

It’s been a while. But sometimes real life (RL) kicks you in the teeth, and doesn’t stop there. Kind of what happened to me. Not to get overly detailed since it is the boring RL stuff, but things definitely didn’t go as planned.

The real world (RW) company I work for – the one who helps to pay all my RW bills – hit a patch of insanity, work wise. Long hours started to become the norm, and then some extra responsibilities started to fall onto my shoulders (and other co-works as well) to pick up the slack as some folks left the company for other prospects. Then, over the winter of 2018, word started to make its way through the team that there was a possible corporate purchase in the future. Didn’t think much of it right off, rumor mills are good at stirring up shit after all, but it ended up being true.

Not that we found out about it semi-officially until early spring 2019. Then the rumor mill went into overdrive, and we all started to plan for the “what ifs” that come when you hear your company is about to be purchased. Especially when there’s not exactly a huge flow of information to the ones who keep the company running on the day-to-day. But, hey, owners and management seem to think it’s all them (delusional fucks that they are). The “little people” (ie: the ones pulling the 10-16 hour days keeping the money flowing, the product exiting, and the clients happy) aren’t that important, right?

*Insert an epic, viewing of the brain, eye-roll here*

Mid-spring we finally got confirmation that the sale was progressing, and that we were in fact being purchased. By a competitor in fact, one I’d frankly never heard of except for during the last six months the rumor mill was going wild. Before that … *crickets*

Things took a bit longer than I think the owners of both (ours and theirs) companies originally planned on, because my boss was a half-way decent human being who wanted to ensure that the staff he still had at that time, would continue to have jobs at their same pay rates. There were a few other stipulations that caused some delay, but they were relatively minor in the grand scheme. In the end, we were officially bought, things started to transition, and then THE MOVE talk began. The company would purchased us had a much larger facility, and since our building was on the chopping block to be demo’ed at some point in the sort-of-not-really near future, it all just made sense.

Fall 2019 utter chaos! Between moving a whole company, integrating two very different team dynamics, and learning a new system for all our day-to-day projects – it was rather hellish to be kind. And the ever looming “what if they decide I’m not needed here” thoughts likely didn’t help. Stress be a bitch, yo!


The learning curve was sharp, the work was familiar (huge help!), and generally the other team was lovely, warm, welcoming, and straight up helpful to those of us walking in “blind”. Not to say there weren’t some hiccups, speed bumps, and less than happy folks – but that was, thankfully, in the minority. Coming into the New Year, 2020, looked good, like I might actually be able to get things back on track once more, and start writing on the regular.

Shouldn’t have thought it. Should NOT have thought it!

We all know how 2020 has gone, not going to rehash it. But will say that I was one of the very few in my city who still kept going to work, which I’m grateful for – don’t get me wrong – but it was a whole new level of stress. With restrictions starting to ease slowly as the government in my area starts their phased re-openings to see what can, and can’t be done while still maintaining social distancing, there is some additional stress along with a hint of hope. It’s a wait and see type situation unfortunately. And since we haven’t peaked yet, who knows how well it will work. Cautious optimism with a dash of healthy pessimism is my current state of mind though.

And that there brings us all up to date. While things aren’t back to “normal”, whatever the fuck that means, the situation is settling down enough to take a breath, step back, and look to the future. Who knows what it may hold, but at least we’re working toward something.

So, I hope you all have a great day/week/rest of the month. And hopefully we can chat again soon. Until next time ~ Moira

Pulled in all directions

RedTulip_106622021_XSHello everyone, long time no post. I know, I know – I’m terrible at this most days. But since I had a couple minutes before I need to head out to meet a friend for lunch I figured, why not? The day is sunny, warm and getting warmer. Only bad thing is my allergies. Good gravy! Only downside to spring in my book is all the random sneezes that come from out of the blue and scare the bejeesus out of everyone around me. Although, I will admit, that part is kinda funny. I am not a dainty sneezer if you hadn’t guessed.

Lot’s on the go today, none of it writing though. I have lunch with one friend, coffee with another this afternoon and then I’m showing friend number two around town. She’s thinking about moving here for work and wants to get a lay of the land before she makes the call. Then I’m meeting up with a couple co-workers for dinner before coming home to collapse. Tomorrow’s a loose schedule with my friend from out of town, depends on what she wants to do but again pretty much no time for writing unless I’m up at the crack of dawn. Not being a morning person that sort of thought really makes me shudder.

Cup of coffee with notebook on deskI’m hopeful dinner tonight doesn’t go too long and then I can get in a couple hours. And if I’m even luckier I can talk my outta town buddy into doing a few things late morning, early afternoon. If it all works out then it’ll give me several hours to get some work in. Characters are talking to me which is a great thing. That means there will be progress. Jotted down a couple notes for what they’re talking about to use later.

Well, that’s about it folks. I’ve gotta get a move on or I’m going to be late. Have a fabulous day ~ Moira

Back on track

This past week at the day job has been, in one word, hellish. To keep it short we’ll just say we’ve been dealing with a lot over the last three months that culminated into the final push last week. So much to do in a very little amount of time. We did it, but we’re all feeling it in various aching muscles and pure exhaustion. Too many long hours with too many projects to try and fit into those hours. It left very little time for anything else.

OrangeDaisy_106231315_XSIncluding writing. Sadly I got absolutely none done the last week, the body and brain was too tired to do more than put one foot in front of the other. Got some done this weekend which was a relief. And with things starting to settle down this coming week I should have a chance to do even more. Since we hadn’t planned for things to be this disruptive at the day job not a one of us had figured we’d need to alter how we were doing things. Boy were we wrong. Here’s hoping we get it under control sooner than later.

In better news is the fact it’s actually spring around here. The sun is shining which led me to cleaning my windows. I’m now blinded – totally – from the light coming through. Should’ve left a few streaks I’m thinking, lol! Did a little spring cleaning yesterday as well, mainly because I had to finish finding the various items I’ll need for the most dreaded time of year – tax season. But I know have them all (I hope) in hand so I can do that once I receive the last piece in the mail that I require and get that off my list of things to do.

In the meantime – writing, writing and more writing. So I’m off to go dash through the shower and get back to it while the ideas are still churning. Have a great night ~ Moira


Happy Easter!

Tulips on the white background.Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, and enjoying their Easter however that may be. The weather’s supposed to be pretty good again today, chilly but mostly sunny from what the weather app on my phone tells me. If not for the family types I’d be out on my balcony enjoying it. Gotta enjoy the sun while you can get it.

Good news for any who are wondering, Living Victorious is progressing along nicely once more. I won’t have much time to work on it this weekend given everything else going on, but I’m getting there. The flow is back after a couple hiccups from the characters. For a short time they were torn about which way they wanted to go. Thankfully they must have “sat down” and figured it out because they gave me a huge gob last weekend and are still chatting as of when I wrote this post. Unfortunately they’re going a little faster currently than I think I can do the old fashioned way during my downtime sans computer – ie: hand writing in a notebook.

Anyway, I should let you all get to enjoying your Sunday. Don’t forget, if you haven’t already, go check out my joint blog with six other fantastic authors at Naughty Quills. We always have a lot to say, and it’s usually pretty helpful too. Mixed in with humor, real experience and plenty of fun.

Have a great day ~ Moira

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Gonna be a long day

Spring Time Change / Pink Blossoms and an Alarm Clock on an Old Wooden TableHappy Sunday everyone. The day is sunny, the sky is blue, the temperature warming up wonderfully and I have a loaf of bread baking in the oven. Yum, love that smell. Only reason I threw one in was because of the early hour I forced myself up at with having to spring the clocks ahead. I’m naturally a night owl, have been my entire life, so this whole losing an hour really mucks up my internal clock if I don’t get up super duper early on the Sunday it happens. Need to exhaust myself completely so I can sleep like the dead tonight faking out that internal clock into thinking everything is copacetic.

But the early hour rising means I can get several things done. So far I’ve checked off the list the regular household cleaning with only a quick vacuuming required a little later. Once the bread is out I’ll do up breakfast, do some website maintenance, put up a few posts on my blog for my fellow authors (hey all!) and then settle in to write by around the lunch hour. Working on LV3 and The Scoundrels 2 – going back and forth between them is helping my muse work through what she apparently sees as an issue on the one. No clue what her problem is, or maybe it’s the characters who are unsure. Either way, it’s working.

Hands Typing Text Writer Author Blog Typewrite Wooden Texture Desk Top Angle View

Last thing to share before I go start breakfast, or I guess technically it’s brunch now given the hour (damn this screws me up), if you haven’t yet checked it out you should. What am I talking about? Well the new blog that seven Evernight Publishing authors, myself included, have started up. The Naughty Quills will have advise for new authors, perhaps the occasional wisdom nugget to share and likely more than a few laughs too. We are also now accepting suggestions for topics. If nothing else you should check out the site. We’re quite eclectic in our writings, time zones, and places of residences.

And that’s all I have for you. Time to top off my coffee and get busy. Have yourself a fabulous day ~ Moira

Sizzling Summer Reads Party

ssr2015From June 1st to the 30th, The Romance Reviews is hosting a massive event full of games, contests, and prizes. There are over 350 authors, and publishers participating in this awesome event. To go check out the list, and get in on the action all you need to do is click the image to the right of this post.

Once on the TRR site login, or create an account (it’s free to do), so that you’re points can be kept track of for each game, or contest you participate in. Remember to be logged in each time you visit the site. Every day there will be new contests, and new games for you to take part in to earn points.

My Q&A will be up on June 27th for a chance to win a copy of Dangerous Secrets, C&M Security 2 if you, or someone you know is interested in a chance to win a copy of the book.

Calendar on june 2015 on white background is insulated

Spread the word, and let everyone know about this huge event. It will be a great way for everyone to have some fun, find some new authors, and have a chance at some great prizes. Remember it runs from June 1st at midnight EST, until June 30th 11:59 pm EST. So you have plenty of time to get in on the fun, but each day will be different, so check in often so you don’t miss out.

Hello long weekend!

little rabbit and easter eggs isolatedHappy Easter to everyone. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I will be off visiting my familial relations, eating too much, and not getting enough sleep because they seem to think that four hours is more than enough. For the record, it’s not. I need at least six to be semi-coherent, eight if you actually want to hold a conversation, and coffee is a must. Otherwise run, just run.

Though I will be elsewhere this weekend I shall have a #SexySnippet ready to go live for Sunday. This one will definitely have a little heat to it. So be prepared. I figured it was only right to give you a bit of a warning. As with the last few Sunday’s it will be from C&M Security 6.

In other projects… I’m making good progress on my first stint into the Paranormal realm. The story, for the most part, is clicking nicely and coming quick. Every now and again I end up hitting a spot where my brain runs out of stuff to send through to my fingers and I sit back sorta “whoa!” as I collect myself. This leads to the need to read what I just wrote, and then hope it kick starts the creative process again. Last night I had myself a bit of a giggle since I trailed off at a critical moment in a sex scene. I had the mental image of my hero poised, ready to go, and toppling over because I couldn’t figure out what was happening next.

I know, I’m a bit odd. I think it comes with the whole “author” territory. After all we have voices in our heads that we listen to for the purpose of creating elaborate fictional worlds. Though I admit when they start arguing it’s a little weird to have to step in. LOL!

Well I think that’s about it for the moment. I have to finish packing, make sure I don’t forget my charger for either of my links to the online world (phone & computer) and I should be good to go. So, once more, Happy Easter, and enjoy the weekend! ~ Moira

I’m all giddy!

Just got word, AND signed the contract for book 3 of the C&M Security series. Tentatively titled Dangerous Lines I’m all bouncy and grinning like a goof. Which could be considered a little weird since I live alone, but on the plus side, I live alone so there’s no one here to say anything. I even got the Cover & Blurb thing back to them – I’m like super efficient or something today. At least in terms of my writing lol!

Work on the other hand was barely controlled chaos all day long. For those who haven’t been on my Facebook page and seen where I live, I live in Calgary, Alberta Canada. This is important because it’s the time of year when the city goes crazy for the Calgary Stampede. Basically it all boils down to a ten day period where everyone is a cowboy/girl. This includes business men, house wives and every single, damn tourist that comes to town. Yeah, it’s great it’s such a big thing, people come from all over the world. But, really, could they not accept the Canadian way and be semi-polite while jostling for space on the side walks. There’s room enough for everyone, I swear!

In other news, I’ve been working on C&M 4. Not as dedicatedly as I’d like but, m’eh, I’ll get there. Still looking for the “groove” I need to hit where it just flows… That and I’m still not 100% sure what this one’s about. Working on “feeling” out my characters in this book. Both of which were introduced in book 3 by-the-by. The main male had a bit, but very important role in book 3. The main female was in there a bit more though you really won’t get to see what her role in help book 3’s lead characters was until book 4. Figured it was a good tie in doing it a bit backwards.

Not sure how my editor will feel about it all – hopeful she doesn’t smack my fingers overly hard. LOL! Well, methinks that be it for the night. I have writing and plotting to do, so be good everyone. From a slightly overcast Canadian city hosting “The Biggest Outdoor Show on Earth”, I bid you good evening ~ Moira

Day four of a four day weekend

First off, to all my fellow Canucks…


Well, this is the last day of my four day weekend – which is so depressing. I quite enjoy this long weekend stuff, I really like it and I’m damn productive too! But it sadly means that I have to go back to the evil “day job”. After finishing and submitting C&M 3 yesterday, tentatively titled “Dangerous Lines”, I started to work on book 4. Actually got a good start to it, not a lot – it was pretty damn late last night – so I wasn’t expecting to get a lot done.

The foundation is there though I still need to figure out how to take it from the tie in of the start deeper into the story. This one will be a slight shift, a different look into the C&M Security I’ve set-up already. While it’s not a departure by any means, it will be a little different take – I hope. LOL! So hard to tell at this point since I’m waiting on the characters to throw in with their ideas on how this will all go. Yes, I’m one of “those” writers. I have no issue allowing my characters to drive my writing bus. Though I do hang onto the map and at least try to play navigator so we don’t end up doing a swan dive into a gorge.

This book will also be stretching my knowledge a little. I’m by no means an expert in anything I write about. This one may need me to reach out to a few folks that are more knowledgeable than I could ever dream of being. Not sure yet, as it all depends on how the characters pull me along. We shall just have to see.

Anyway, I think that covers everything so far today. I need more coffee and then I have a bunch of projects to get working on. So I’m off, have a great day, especially my fellow Canadians. At least at this end of the country it’s turning out to be a beautiful, sunny day. HAPPY CANADA DAY! ~ Moira

Day three of a four day weekend

Well, obviously I needed the time off! Without family obligations, hordes of running around, or dozens of projects to see to. Because, finally, I’ve got C&M book 3 done! That’s right, done. I’ve gone through the spell check, grammar check as far as I can figure it out (thank goodness for editors), and written up the synopsis. Which is really one of my least favourite parts of writing. But, it’s completed and ready to send off.

All I need to do now is package it up, hit send, and then it’s out of my hands. It feels really good to get this sucker done, lol! It gave me more than a couple grey hairs I think. Not that anyone will ever know for sure, wink-wink.

Of course, with C&M 3 out of the way I now need to start plotting on the fourth instalment. I already know who the characters will be, had that figured out a while back actually. The only book that was completely unexpected, yet insisted on being written, was book 2 of the series. It just came to me, but didn’t fit any of the set characters I already had planned. So, with a shrug, I tossed it into the mix. Which I think was a really smart plan. While I obviously plan most of the stories to a degree, a surprise here and there along the way isn’t amiss.

It fits in well with the rest of the books, showed a little more as well as a different look at C&M, the staff and their jobs, and it brought one of the characters (a main in book 3) out a little more. All in all it was a very happy little surprise.

Well, it’s about dinner time around here so I’m going to go and send off my stuff to Evernight and start cooking. Hope everyone has a lovely evening ~ Moira