Since last we talked…

It’s been a while. But sometimes real life (RL) kicks you in the teeth, and doesn’t stop there. Kind of what happened to me. Not to get overly detailed since it is the boring RL stuff, but things definitely didn’t go as planned.

The real world (RW) company I work for – the one who helps to pay all my RW bills – hit a patch of insanity, work wise. Long hours started to become the norm, and then some extra responsibilities started to fall onto my shoulders (and other co-works as well) to pick up the slack as some folks left the company for other prospects. Then, over the winter of 2018, word started to make its way through the team that there was a possible corporate purchase in the future. Didn’t think much of it right off, rumor mills are good at stirring up shit after all, but it ended up being true.

Not that we found out about it semi-officially until early spring 2019. Then the rumor mill went into overdrive, and we all started to plan for the “what ifs” that come when you hear your company is about to be purchased. Especially when there’s not exactly a huge flow of information to the ones who keep the company running on the day-to-day. But, hey, owners and management seem to think it’s all them (delusional fucks that they are). The “little people” (ie: the ones pulling the 10-16 hour days keeping the money flowing, the product exiting, and the clients happy) aren’t that important, right?

*Insert an epic, viewing of the brain, eye-roll here*

Mid-spring we finally got confirmation that the sale was progressing, and that we were in fact being purchased. By a competitor in fact, one I’d frankly never heard of except for during the last six months the rumor mill was going wild. Before that … *crickets*

Things took a bit longer than I think the owners of both (ours and theirs) companies originally planned on, because my boss was a half-way decent human being who wanted to ensure that the staff he still had at that time, would continue to have jobs at their same pay rates. There were a few other stipulations that caused some delay, but they were relatively minor in the grand scheme. In the end, we were officially bought, things started to transition, and then THE MOVE talk began. The company would purchased us had a much larger facility, and since our building was on the chopping block to be demo’ed at some point in the sort-of-not-really near future, it all just made sense.

Fall 2019 utter chaos! Between moving a whole company, integrating two very different team dynamics, and learning a new system for all our day-to-day projects – it was rather hellish to be kind. And the ever looming “what if they decide I’m not needed here” thoughts likely didn’t help. Stress be a bitch, yo!


The learning curve was sharp, the work was familiar (huge help!), and generally the other team was lovely, warm, welcoming, and straight up helpful to those of us walking in “blind”. Not to say there weren’t some hiccups, speed bumps, and less than happy folks – but that was, thankfully, in the minority. Coming into the New Year, 2020, looked good, like I might actually be able to get things back on track once more, and start writing on the regular.

Shouldn’t have thought it. Should NOT have thought it!

We all know how 2020 has gone, not going to rehash it. But will say that I was one of the very few in my city who still kept going to work, which I’m grateful for – don’t get me wrong – but it was a whole new level of stress. With restrictions starting to ease slowly as the government in my area starts their phased re-openings to see what can, and can’t be done while still maintaining social distancing, there is some additional stress along with a hint of hope. It’s a wait and see type situation unfortunately. And since we haven’t peaked yet, who knows how well it will work. Cautious optimism with a dash of healthy pessimism is my current state of mind though.

And that there brings us all up to date. While things aren’t back to “normal”, whatever the fuck that means, the situation is settling down enough to take a breath, step back, and look to the future. Who knows what it may hold, but at least we’re working toward something.

So, I hope you all have a great day/week/rest of the month. And hopefully we can chat again soon. Until next time ~ Moira

Get in on the fun

It’s a chilly, dreary Saturday here at home. Great day for staying indoors, and keeping warm. The perfect day to get some writing done as well. Which I am off to do shortly, right after I get a coffee refill, and some lunch. But I thought I’d give some updates before I go get myself busy.

5thBDayBlogHopGoing on now until October 9th is Evernight Publishing’s 5th Birthday Blog Hop. For more information you can check out the post here on Evernight’s blog, including all those participating in the Hop, and the prizes Evernight is giving away to celebrate their 5th Birthday. Don’t forget to leave comments on each site visited for a chance to win the prizes each Author, or Blogger is giving away, as well as to get extra entries into Evernight’s grand draw.

AReSale-croppedTo top it off All Romance is helping us to celebrate by offering 25% off every Evernight Publishing book on their site. You can check out the list which includes all of my books, and many other fabulous Author’s, by going to All Romance and doing a publisher search for Evernight Publishing, or just click here to be taken right to that listing.

And since you’re visiting my site anyway don’t forget to leave a comment on my post for the celebration. All I want to know is your best, or craziest birthday gift received. Pretty easy right? But don’t forget to leave your email address, this is both for me to contact you should you be the winner, and for Evernight if you are chosen for one of their many prizes.

Last bit of information to share is the Facebook Party Evernight and the Author’s are holding on October 8th. Everyone is welcome to join if you happen to have a Facebook account, and are free to. It is running from 3pm until 11pm EDT, with many of us hosting during each hour. There will be more prizes, flash giveaways, and plenty of opportunity to talk to us all. You can join us by clicking here and get in on the fun.

EP's Facebook Party Banner

All right I think that’s it. For now I’m off to get that refill, and get down to work. I still have a Christmas story to attempt to finish in time for the coming season. Given our weather predictions for the day it seems fitting to work on it. Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to get in on the fun and prizes. ~ Moira

Happy Birthday Evernight Publishing! @evernightpub #HappyBirthday #FiveYears #BlogHop #WIN

Evernight Celebrates 5 Years of Publishing!


Thanks to readers like you, Evernight Publishing has grown by leaps and bounds in five years so they’re pulling out all the stops and throwing an extreme BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION BLOG HOP in your honor!

That’s right! It’s Evernight’s birthday but YOU get the presents…


Apple Watch Sport
NEW Kindle Paperwhite
Fitbit Flex
Evernight, Amazon, and ARe Gift Certificates
Plus, each author on the hop will offer his/her own special prize!

I’m honored to celebrate this momentous occasion with Evernight.  Here’s a look at my first Evernight title and my latest release:



Released:  May 7, 2014

Taylor Granger was the one. Veronica “Roni” Malone knew it the first moment she saw him. He made her heart race and her palms sweat. Who cared that they were only in high school. She knew. Heartbroken when life pulled them in different directions, Roni spent the next twenty years trying to fill the gaping hole in her heart. When her beloved Mustang gets towed into Taylor’s mechanic shop, she knew she’d been given a second chance.

Taylor couldn’t believe his eyes. The woman who’d tortured his dreams stood in front of him again after all this time. Roni had rocked his world from day one, and he wasn’t about to let the best thing that ever happened to him get away again.

Back together, the fire sparks and passions burn as they try to find their way back to what they’d left behind and to the realization that their love had always been a forever kind of love.






Released:  August 12, 2015

Jennifer Mitchell has only one goal in mind—she must get an interview with the band, Victorious. It’s a task many journalists have attempted over the last ten years, only to be shot down by the band’s manager. The fact she desperately wants to meet their drummer has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Being the drummer for Victorious allows Lance West to remain out of the spotlight, and still have an important role in creating the music their fans clamor for. Then he meets Jennifer. While she may be focused on an exclusive interview, Lance has other ideas for the sexy woman.

Screaming fans and thunderous applause might warm his blood, but Lance only wants one woman to warm his bed night after night. She is everything to him, the rhythm that soothes his scarred soul, and he’ll do whatever it takes to prove it.



** **** ******* **** **

Evernight Publishing gave me my start as a published author. The company, and its authors are one big family. The support I have received, and witnessed every day is awe inspiring, and I could not ask for a better place to be home to my books. From my first book, to my most recent I have grown as an author thanks to the editors who gently nudged, occasionally using a very big stick, while providing instruction to further my growth. I would not be putting out my soon to release ninth book without everyone’s support, faith, and assistance.


My birthday wish to Evernight, and everyone there:  Is to continue to grow, continue to prosper, and to have many more birthdays in the future. Happy 5th Birthday Evernight!

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For a chance to win a copy of any of my back listed books (Anthologies are NOT included), all you need to do for your chance to win is enter a comment below, and ensure you include your email address.

  1. Comment:  Best, or Craziest Birthday Gift you have ever received
  2. Don’t forget:  Ensure you include your email address in the post so you can be entered to win. Only those with email’s will have the chance to win.
  3. The Prize:  Any back listed book of mine (Anthologies not included) in e-Reader ready formats only. (ie: EPUB, MOBI)

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It’s a great time for an Evernight shopping spree because all Evernight titles are 25% off through October 9th at AllRomance eBooks!


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Enter to win the Grand Prizes using Rafflecopter (click graphic below)

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Before you go – don’t forget to leave your comment & email address
to be entered into the draw for any one of my back list of books!


Autumn has arrived

Homemade Dark Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows and Cinnamon

The day has been a roller coaster of weather. Woke to chilly damp autumn, then we managed about an hour of sunny with a few fluffy clouds, and we are currently back into fully overcast with more rain threatening. Fall has arrived in full force here, and gloomy damp chilly days are in the future. I think it may be time to stock up on the hot chocolate (mainly for the excuse to throw some rum in).

But it does provide a rather nice backdrop for writing. In between plotting where my Living Victorious (LV) book 3 will be going I’m working on a Christmas story. It’s been coming in bursts so whenever the mood strikes to get more down I have been. It’s definitely not your “normal” Christmas story by any means. But I’ve never done that whole “normal” thing well. I prefer to color outside the lines, dance with the Devil, and generally thumb my nose at “convention”. It’s a little moody, has it’s moments where emotions run high, and has a bit of off the wall humor too. It won’t be a long book by any means, but I think it will be a fun one for my readers.

In between the plotting, and reading I’ve been cleaning. Mainly when the muse stopped talking or wandered off to look at shiny objects. I have found that the cleaning seems to get her back on track. Thankfully rather quickly today because I didn’t actually want to do any cleaning, lol! I did all the major weekly stuff yesterday, today was mostly things like cleaning the fridge drawers, and shelves. Boring crap that wrenched the creativity back on track. And when that last failed to work I’ve been watching some S.O.A. that I downloaded a while back but never got around to watching.

Now I need to go scrounging for the makings of dinner, do some more writing, and get in some more plotting for LV3. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and has a lovely week. Tomorrow is Monday – make the best of it and do nothing that can be proven. Have a great one! ~ Moira


A new month’s upon us

autumn in the forestAnd the weather is starting to shift. Not for the better either. Oh well, such is life when you life in a place that can have all four seasons in a single day. No, not a myth, reality. I love Fall, the colors, the leaves you crunch through wherever you walk, and that particular smell to the air as it gets a little crisper. Unfortunately it’s what comes after I could seriously do without.

Oh well. At least the leaves are pretty for a time. Right?

As another month is now nothing more than a smudge in the rear view, there are some good (great even) things coming up. Top of the list is of course Evernight’s big Birthday Bash plans. First the Facebook party tomorrow, then a blog hop through everyone’s sites, plus all the goodies, and prizes that will come of everything that is coming up. It should be a fantastic couple of months ahead. Hopefully enough to get my mind off of the weather. Here’s hoping!

Since I have a tonne of writing I need to play catch up on, I shall leave you with a little Wet Wednesday treat. May you enjoy my offerings this week. ~ Moira

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Here comes book three…

dangerous-linesA happy, sunny Sunday to everyone. Great news to share, book 3 of the C&M Security series will be releasing this Wednesday. Dangerous Lines is Vincent, and Rhonda’s story. I’ve been looking forward to this release. So have several other folks I know apparently, lol! Since this would be a short post otherwise, I figured I’d put in a little snippet from the book to tempt folks into buying it. For the official excerpt you can check out the Dangerous Lines page.

So, here you go – enjoy!

* * * * *

He smelled so good, all male, all Vincent. Closing her good eye as he headed for the door, she rubbed her nose lightly to his neck. She had truly thought she’d never see him again. Never have the chance to be completely honest and open with him. Never get the opportunity to tell him how she felt about him.

Rhonda didn’t know if he felt the same, one of the reasons she’d held back. The other was that she didn’t want to ruin their friendship by admitting she had the hots for him.

She wanted a relationship with him, beyond friendship. Hell, she wanted to strip him naked and jump his gorgeous self. On more than one occasion she’d actually had to restrain herself, she thought with a bit of humor. Usually when they were at Shawn and Tamara’s for some reason or other and he was out swimming in the pool. He had a body that just screamed to be licked, slowly, preferably by her. A smile tried to curl her lips at the idea of walking up and licking him. Only that smile didn’t go any better than her other attempts, and she let out a low moan of pain as her jaw throbbed.

She could feel him walking carefully. Likely to prevent jostling her, but also to prevent any noise from betraying them. It was also how he moved. He was incredibly light on his feet, thanks to all that wonderful military training, she was sure. She loved watching him—it helped to fuel more than one late night fantasy—and dreaming about him.

* * * * *

There you go. Buy links to come as soon as I have them. Have a great night ~ Moira

Fun ahead

Happy Sunday everyone, let’s start this post off with a little man candy shall we? I think we shall.

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As the title implies there is good stuff coming. No date yet on the C&M Security 3 release, but that’s okay, I have plenty of things to keep me busy. First on the list is an Evernight event. Happening this Thursday, September 18th on Facebook, everyone is welcome to come and visit. The event goes from 12:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST. I have a shared slot from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST that I will be sharing with a fellow Evernight author, Ms. April Zyon. So, if you’re on Facebook, and are interested in joining in the fun, maybe meeting some new authors you are very welcome to join the event. Click the image below to be taken to the page to sign up to go to the event.


As we roll into October we have a number of interesting things popping up. Including Evernight’s 4th Birthday Celebration. This will be another Facebook party (more info to follow as we receive it) to kick things off. On October 2 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST is an author take over event, with lots of great prizes, and who knows what else!

Well, that’s all I have for tonight. I’m off to delve into my refrigerator, and see what might be in there that involves zero cooking for dinner tonight. Hope you all have a great evening ~ Moira

Murky Monday

Somebody sure done gone, and pissed off Mother Nature. Or she’s got a big ol’ bee in her bonnet. Cause here we are, in SEPTEMBER no less, and it’s freakin’ snowing! Not only that, but there’s a “Snowfall Warning” in place. Not even shitting you. Case in point, the image below is from my walk home & a couple of the trees that line the Downtown Core. That white stuff on the tree, ground, benches, and floating past in the image – that’s snow folks. SNOW!


As an extra bonus, because apparently someone has sinned against Mother Nature, we’re expecting even more all the way into Wednesday. Three days of this sticky, wet, white crap. Ugh! Nasty! On the plus side – literally – we’re supposed to shoot back up into the 20’s by next Monday (that’s the mid 60’s for you Fahrenheit folks) – a nice steady climb out of the trenches in a manner of speaking.

Thankfully I had no plans other than to sit and write tonight, maybe watch a couple shows on TV. This convinced me I chose wisely. And I do need to take one last lookie-loo at my Dangerous Lines book. My publisher sent it to me since I had a couple of odd changes on the last round of edits. Mainly things I needed to change to keep in alignment with the next book in the series and what all will be happening in there. One more read through and I should have it back to them tonight at some point.

Well, that’s it. So from the suddenly chilly, and very white city of Calgary, I bid you a good night. ~ Moira *brrrr*

PS – That little place, the Luxor, in the image – great little Egyptian place. Pretty great food, amazing sweets and goodies.


Hot diggity damn, it’s Friday. About bloody time it showed up. For only a four day work week – it was damn lo-o-o-o-ong. Somehow I managed to survive it, which is really all that matters, or counts. Some of the people I had to deal with though…m’eh, they were a little closer to not surviving their weeks. Today was the day filled with people calling in who you have to shake your head at. Either that, or run out stark naked into traffic screaming at the top of your lungs until the dudes with the self-hugging white jacket wrangle you. Thank goodness for a coffee shop less than half a block away, otherwise I might have been out racing through traffic.

It’s days like today that make me question the wisdom of my day job. And question it, and question it, and question it some more. I think I need to re-evaluate my money maker a smidge, or a lot. Confession – I am not a people person. Yet every, single, flipping job I’ve ever had, I’ve had to deal with the public. Obviously something is seriously wrong with me. I need a job testing pillows, or taste testing coffee blends, or ohhhhh! Food taste tester… Oh gawd, now I’m drooling with the thought of the possibilities. Of course, only downside to that is, I’d likely have to work out. Ugh! The dreaded “work-out” regime. *Shudders*

Cute red haired kitten sleeping in hammock

I am not now, nor have I ever been, one of these folks that “likes” to work out. I’m not even one of these people that will “willingly” work out. You put a gun to my head, I’m going to keep eating that chocolate cupcake and flip you off. I do not work out. Ever. Nope, not even a little. That stuff is for the birds!

Okay, now I can’t recall what the point of my post was today. Did I even have a point? Maybe not… Hm, all right then. Well, anyway… The weekend should be lovely, lots of sun before next week which according to everyone has the “S” word mentioned in it. In September no less. I am NOT a happy camper about that. Oh, I have all the necessary bits and pieces to survive such a thing should it occur. But not even in Canada should one need to start using, let alone dig any of it out, until at least October. Preferably after our Thanksgiving.

Oh well, maybe I’ll get a bunch of writing done. That sounds like a stellar plan. Especially since all the other household chores have been completed already today. Sit back, watch some movies while I write, definitely sounds like I have a plan going.

To that end, I hope you all have a fantastic evening, and weekend ~ Moira