Since last we talked…

It’s been a while. But sometimes real life (RL) kicks you in the teeth, and doesn’t stop there. Kind of what happened to me. Not to get overly detailed since it is the boring RL stuff, but things definitely didn’t go as planned.

The real world (RW) company I work for – the one who helps to pay all my RW bills – hit a patch of insanity, work wise. Long hours started to become the norm, and then some extra responsibilities started to fall onto my shoulders (and other co-works as well) to pick up the slack as some folks left the company for other prospects. Then, over the winter of 2018, word started to make its way through the team that there was a possible corporate purchase in the future. Didn’t think much of it right off, rumor mills are good at stirring up shit after all, but it ended up being true.

Not that we found out about it semi-officially until early spring 2019. Then the rumor mill went into overdrive, and we all started to plan for the “what ifs” that come when you hear your company is about to be purchased. Especially when there’s not exactly a huge flow of information to the ones who keep the company running on the day-to-day. But, hey, owners and management seem to think it’s all them (delusional fucks that they are). The “little people” (ie: the ones pulling the 10-16 hour days keeping the money flowing, the product exiting, and the clients happy) aren’t that important, right?

*Insert an epic, viewing of the brain, eye-roll here*

Mid-spring we finally got confirmation that the sale was progressing, and that we were in fact being purchased. By a competitor in fact, one I’d frankly never heard of except for during the last six months the rumor mill was going wild. Before that … *crickets*

Things took a bit longer than I think the owners of both (ours and theirs) companies originally planned on, because my boss was a half-way decent human being who wanted to ensure that the staff he still had at that time, would continue to have jobs at their same pay rates. There were a few other stipulations that caused some delay, but they were relatively minor in the grand scheme. In the end, we were officially bought, things started to transition, and then THE MOVE talk began. The company would purchased us had a much larger facility, and since our building was on the chopping block to be demo’ed at some point in the sort-of-not-really near future, it all just made sense.

Fall 2019 utter chaos! Between moving a whole company, integrating two very different team dynamics, and learning a new system for all our day-to-day projects – it was rather hellish to be kind. And the ever looming “what if they decide I’m not needed here” thoughts likely didn’t help. Stress be a bitch, yo!


The learning curve was sharp, the work was familiar (huge help!), and generally the other team was lovely, warm, welcoming, and straight up helpful to those of us walking in “blind”. Not to say there weren’t some hiccups, speed bumps, and less than happy folks – but that was, thankfully, in the minority. Coming into the New Year, 2020, looked good, like I might actually be able to get things back on track once more, and start writing on the regular.

Shouldn’t have thought it. Should NOT have thought it!

We all know how 2020 has gone, not going to rehash it. But will say that I was one of the very few in my city who still kept going to work, which I’m grateful for – don’t get me wrong – but it was a whole new level of stress. With restrictions starting to ease slowly as the government in my area starts their phased re-openings to see what can, and can’t be done while still maintaining social distancing, there is some additional stress along with a hint of hope. It’s a wait and see type situation unfortunately. And since we haven’t peaked yet, who knows how well it will work. Cautious optimism with a dash of healthy pessimism is my current state of mind though.

And that there brings us all up to date. While things aren’t back to “normal”, whatever the fuck that means, the situation is settling down enough to take a breath, step back, and look to the future. Who knows what it may hold, but at least we’re working toward something.

So, I hope you all have a great day/week/rest of the month. And hopefully we can chat again soon. Until next time ~ Moira

Wowza! #CrazyWeather

Someone really pissed Mother Nature off today. We’ve had a few little rain bursts and then we got a biggie. I barely got through my door before the skies opened up and down it came. It was like a waterfall, along with lots of lightening and huge cracks of thunder that rattle all my pictures on the walls, gotta love summer weather. Pretty impressive display of power I have to say. But whoever got the old girl so upset you really need to apologize already.

RainyWeatherIt’s rather distracting to be nearly blinded by the lightening and to wonder what else might be rattling about while trying to write a story. My muse is too easily distracted already, no need for any additional assistance. But I will admit it was pretty damn impressive. Hopefully everyone managed to duck inside before the rain started otherwise they’ll be really, really wet. And here in Alberta we do not get warm rain showers, not even close.

On other fronts the writing is progressing. Slowly, but it’s getting there. It’ll be an early night for me I think given how long my day was yesterday, and how tired I still am today. These long work days are really getting old. But enough of that, I have writing still to do before I get to have a snooze. So I’m signing off here, and back into my book. Have a great weekend folks – and if you live in my part of the world remember your umbrella, and rubber boots. Stay dry and warm folks ~ Moira

Well, hello there…

Set of alcohol drinks in glasses isolated on whiteLong time no post! I know, I’m a bad author for being so out of touch. The short of it all is my workplace took on the workload of our sister company when the staff, for the most part, retired. Economically it made sense to put the work with us, and it keeps us all busy. Well, some of us more than others. Myself being one of the “some”. I really need to start investing in “beverages” for those long nights. *sigh*

In other news my muse has gone off the rails and started to pepper me with thoughts for this years Christmas story. I know, bad Moira for even mentioning that time of year. Believe me if I could keep my crazy muse on task even when I do have time to write I would, but she’s got her own method of doing things. So I have notes on my you-know-what story for when I have time to actually get to it.

In the meantime I am working on Victorious book #3. That is on my plate this weekend. I have to get Jeremy’s story written because he and his lady love are driving me absolutely around the bend with all their chattering. We’re about halfway after I had to remove a couple chunks that just weren’t working where I had them. The chunks are set aside for later, possible, use should they fit in where the story/characters are leading me. If not then I know I was right to cut them, and if so then I was right to cut them and plop them in where they will work. Can’t have a badly flowing story for my lead singer.

PurpleHeartBook #2 in The Scoundrels series is on hold since the characters are being drowned out by Jeremy and his girl. But I’m thinking that once I make those two happy (happier?) then I will possibly be able to hear what they might be attempting to pass along. For the time being, one task in hand. Sadly weekends are not nearly enough time to get everything written as fast as I’d like, but there is light at the end of the tunnel for those curious as to when LV3 will be out. Be patient, I can only write when I’m home and these days those are extremely limited hours. But I’m getting there! Promise 🙂

Happy Canada Day 2016

Wishing all my fellow Canadians a happy Canada Day. When this posts up I shall still be snuggled in my bed enjoying the fact that I can sleep in. Eventually I’ll have to get my butt up to do some cleaning around here, and a load of laundry. Later in the day I have to head out for the first of two BBQ’s scheduled. I was hoping to get in some writing but that will have to wait until the “official” weekend, there’s free food and bevvies after all, and my momma didn’t raise no fool.

Stay safe, play safe, and get home safe. Don’t become a statistic this weekend. Hope you all have a fab day, a fab weekend and we’ll chat again soon.


A little editor love

pencil and paper with inscription r cup of coffee on blue wooden table

First off, happy Sunday to all! Now that we have that out of the way…

While initially nervous (okay, petrified) of what I might find upon delving deeper into the edits for The Rhythm, Living Victorious 1, I can now say that I am completely crushing on my new editor. She rocks in ways I can’t even comprehend let alone expound upon. She is da bomb. Evernight Publishing has the BEST EDITORS EVER! This is a personal opinion of course, and potentially a little biased since I’ve never written with another publisher. but it’s my post so I can say whatever the heck I want. HA!

Having an editor I’ve never worked with prior getting their hands on one of my babies is beyond nerve wracking. But I shall give credit where it is due, this woman knows her stuff. Since joining Evernight I’ve had the pleasure of working with four of their editors. Laurie T., Jessica R., Karyn W., and the latest in this powerhouse lineup is Kerry G.

All these ladies have gone above, and beyond. They are helpful, instructive, and when something in your story tickles their funny bone they love to point it out. Each has their own style to editing, much the same as every author has their own process and style to writing. I have only been blessed by the attention each editor puts toward one of my books. Truly I could go on, and on about them for likely hours. I won’t. If I do I’ll never get anything else done today lol!

But now that all the edits are done, and back into my publisher’s hands for round two, I can focus on getting book 2 of this series closer to completion. The muse is on board given how well editing went, and all we learned from Ms. Kerry – tools which we shall use for this book, and all those to come after. So I shall leave you all to whatever endeavors you might have planned for your Sunday.

Stay cool out there, and have some fun. I have my coffee in hand, a movie on the boob tube, and ideas to write. ~ Moira

Working on edits

Pen, Writing, Letter.

That’s right, I have edits for book 1 of my new 5 book series – The Rhythm, Living Victorious. My publisher sent them through last night, and after a quick peek to see who my editor was, and what she had to say I left them for this morning. Now I am armed with coffee, a bowl of cereal, and have it up on my screen ready to rock and roll once the caffeine starts to do it’s job.

For the most part it looks pretty good. A few filler words to get rid of, or change to something more productive to the sentence. There are also *snickers* some eyeballs doing things they shouldn’t be – oops! Definitely need to fix that since this isn’t a horror story where such things might slide. Let’s see, what else did she let me know about? Ah yes, some redundant words that can be scratched out – not that hard, and last were some overly repetitive words. I know the latter happens when I get tired. Even when I know I should stop for a while the muse is on a roll. As an author you keep writing when the muse is talking even if you can’t totally focus on the screen any more.

Depending on how far along I get on edits in the next hour I should have a vague idea of how long it will all take. Hoping to get the majority done today so that I can give it a good read through tomorrow with the changes to look for anything that needs work on the flow.

I also need to find my list of mistakes I noticed after I’d submitted so that I can ensure those too are fixed if she didn’t find them. Although this editor is scarily efficient (meep!) so I doubt she’ll have missed the things my eyes coasted over during the final read through prior to submission. Which I then later found while looking for teasers to share in my FB Group down the road. Yeah – that actually happens.

Well that would be it for today. Hope you are all having a great weekend, and staying cool out there. ~ Moira

Happy Canada Day 2015

Wishing all my fellow Canadians a very Happy Canada Day. It’s a toasty one at my end of the country today, but I have the day off work, the sun is shining, and there will be many fireworks tonight. I plan on grabbing a book, finding a bit of sun somewhere there is some water, or a breeze, and enjoying the day. I hope everyone has a fantastic day, and plays safe out there.

Happy Birthday Canada!

Canada National Flag Light Night Bokeh Abstract Background

Scorcher of a day


Well we are being treated to another day of hot temperatures, bright blue skies, but with some mild relief in a halfway decent breeze I can only hope holds out for the duration of the day. Which would be even more enjoyable if I could get out to enjoy it, but really need to get some writing done. Must write!

To that end I am attempting to work around a wordage road block my muse seems to have run up against. Nothing major, just a little bit of stumbling around to get the right emotions out into words. I’m also working on another, upcoming scene at the same time which seems to be helping whenever I get sluggish in the previous scene. Helps to push me forward by giving me something else to focus on, at least temporarily. It worked yesterday, here’s hoping it works again today.

Other than that I will be attempting to not melt. I probably should have picked a writing chair that wasn’t covered in leather. I keep having visions of my melted form sliding off the chair into a puddle on the floor. Yes I watched cartoons as a child if you hadn’t guessed from that particular description, lol!

Hope everyone is staying cool if where you are is hot, or staying warm if it’s cold. Have yourself a great Sunday ~ Moira

Happy Father’s Day 2015

I want to wish all the father’s out there a very Happy Father’s Day. This is not only to my own dad, but to the men, and women who step into the role to help raise a child. Being a parent can be a thankless task – just ask my mom *insert eye roll*. But you are loved, and appreciated for doing your part. Enjoy the day, you more than deserve it.

Best Dad- Stamp